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1,973 bytes added, 16:18, 5 June 2012
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* A technical specification document
* A project plan
= Glossary =
This is a list of potentially ambiguous terms used in this document.
* Destination: generic term for any object on the map. Could be a condo, office building, barn, gas station, etc.
* Fraction-unit: each level's gameplay is defined in terms of multiples of a fraction. For example if the level's fraction-unit is 1/8 - every cost will be a multiple of 1/8 and gas refils are available as multiples of 1/8.
= Requirements =
* The game will be created as a 600x800 canvas object.
* When displaying the game the canvas will be stretched up or down to fill the screen it's displayed on while maitaining its aspect ratio.
* All the nontrivial graphics will be created as SVG images.
=== Maps ===
* Maps will be stored and loaded from either an XML file or JSON.
* No graphical tool will be created to build maps. The expectation is that they would be drawn on paper and the data input in into the file manually.
* The reference size of a map will be 640x480 and the position of road segments and objects will be specified in absolute coordinates within that rectangle.
== Gameplay Features ===== Roads ===* Roads will be drawn as static black lines, possibly with rounded corners.* Making the roads look more realistic is doable and shouldn't present much difficulty but is out of scope for this project.* Each road segment will have the associated cost of gas displayed next to it as a multiple of fraction-units (e.g. 1/8, 2/8, etc.).=== Destinations ===* Destinations will be drawn centered over the end of the segment(s), as specified in the map.* Destinations already visited will be marked as such somehow (e.g. grayed out).* Scaling objects onmouseover (as is done in the Flash version) is out of scope for this project.=== Car ===* The current position of the player on the map will be represented by an image of a car.* The car's position can be anywhere on a road or object.* The car will be rotated (0/90/180/270 degrees) depending on the last direction it moved in.=== Popups ===* When the mouse is moved over one of the destinations - an info bubble will appear:** For most destinations the popup will contain the name of the object and the number of points assigned to that object.** For gas stations the popup will contain the cost of one fraction-unit gas (e.g. 150 points for 1/8 gas tank).* Popups must be fully visible no matter how close to an edge the destination is.== Artwork required ==* Each new graphic created will be tested immediately to ensure it's displayed correctly in Processing.js sketches. A simple tool will be created to facilitate this testing.

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