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OOP344 Best Team

Revision as of 14:55, 27 November 2009 by Azea (talk | contribs) (Tasks)


Hey guys :)

As most of us frantically finish our input/output libraries by the deadline it would be good if we could begin thinking about what kind of features and or approaches we should take towards our group assignment.


SVN: ops344_093a05


Names Class Assigned
Anastasia IO_Frame, IO_Edit, IO_Menu
Sergiu IO_Form, IO_Label
Diana IO_Field and IO_Vedit
Brandon IO_CheckList, IO_TextEdit

Team Members

Last Name Name Section Email IRC Nickname SVN
Ecob Sergiu A sergiu_ecob 54
Ferrara Brandon A - -
Semionova Anastasia A Anastas1a 51
Cucereavii Diana A DianaC -

Useful Links

Our Plan

  • Divide classes between team members
  • Upload ciol.h and ciol.cpp to our repository
  • Add empty header and code files for all classes
  • Code classes (commit to repository only if it compiles)
  • Create main and test

I hope we could stick to the plan :)

Our Work

  • Nov 27

We already have uploaded all classes...Some of them are still empty After adding IO_Menu and IO_CheckList I noticed that they both have two functions not specified: getOwnerTop() and getOwnerLeft(). For now I just added this functions to both classes so it compiles. I made necessary changes to some classes(please guys check if it compiles before commit..) Now we need to create our main to check our work and we need to do it by Sunday...