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OPS335 DNS Lab

38 bytes added, 20:38, 29 January 2012
Edit /etc/named.conf
zone "example<learnid>.org" {
type master;
file "mydb-for-example-dot-org";
@ IN A
*Now edit /var/lib/named/mydb-for-example-dot<learnid>-org and enter the following: But use your own X value where applicable.
$TTL 604800
@ IN NS localhost.
1 IN PTR f13.example<learnid>.org. 2 IN PTR vm01.example<learnid>.org. 3 IN PTR vm02.example<learnid>.org. 4 IN PTR vm03.example<learnid>.org.
*Now set up your resolver to point to itself. Edit /etc/resolv.conf, delete what's there and enter this data instead. Remember to use your value for X.
nameserver 192.168.X.1
domain example<learnid>.org
*Start your DNS server with the command
systemctl start named.service named start
*Check that your name server is running
ps ax | grep named
systemctl status named.service named status
*When starting or restarting your name server view the log file (/var/log/messages) to ensure it started without error.
*Try a few lookups:
host f13.example<learnid>.org host vm01.example<learnid>.org host vm02.example<learnid>.org host vm03.example<learnid>.org
*Now try a few reverse lookups:

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