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161 bytes added, 23:32, 11 January 2012
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{{Admon/important|Do not share your OPS235 disk drive with another course.|The work you do in this course will render your other work inaccessible and may erase it.}}
{{Admon/important|Earlier labs become the foundation for later labs.|Seemingly "small errors", or "skipping instructions" in earlier labs can affect have negative consequences when performing other dependent labs. Make backups when requested at the end of labs for "restoration points" in case something goes wrong while performing a lab.}}
{{Admon/important|Always shut down your system under software control, rather than using the reset or power buttons. You can shutdown using the GUI or with the <code>poweroff</code>, <code>reboot</code>, <code>init</code>, or <code>shutdown</code> commands. Shut down your virtual machines before shutting down your main system.|}}

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