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Console UI Core Classes - OOP344 20112

605 bytes added, 14:27, 4 August 2011
no edit summary
''Navigation keys are Up key, Down key, Tab key or Enter key.''<br />
''MessageStatus is enumerated in '''iolgh.h'''''
=Linux and Unix makefile=
Copy these makefiles under "makefile" name in root of your project in Linux or Mac.<br />
Replace the "<tab>" with tab character<br />
then issue the make command: <br />
$make <enter><br />
this will compile your code and create an executable called tXexe,(where X is you test number if there is no error<br />
==Test 1 (CFrame)==
t1: iol.o cframe.o Test1Frame.o
c++ iol.o cframe.o Test1Frame.o -lncurses -ot1exe
iol.o: iol.c iol.h
cc -c iol.c
cframe.o: cframe.cpp cframe.h iolgh.h
c++ -c cframe.cpp
Test1Frame.o: Test1Frame.cpp cframe.h iolgh.h

Navigation menu