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4 bytes added, 18:40, 10 July 2011
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Anatoly is known in the Russian Internet under many nicknames. His blogging and chatting career started in early 2000 with [[IRC]] nick Goldstar . In 2005 he opened his first blog in [[LiveJournal]] under nickname: [ Glamurny]. Word "Glamurny" is derived from the word "glamourous". Blog audience is fashion and high-tech addicts, who are seeking information on latest fashion trends and technological inventions. Blog has more than 300 subscribers and is visited by one thousand people monthly. </p>
<p> Last few years Anatoly has became a frequent twitter blogger. In 2 years he has tweeted more than 1400 tweets. His bilingual [ twitter account] (Russian and English) is public, so everyone can read his tweets without having to register in Twitter. </p> <br />
<p> Being a huge cooking fan Anatoly is frequently posting a pictures of dishes, restaurant reviews and recipes.</p>
<p> Also being an Apple corp. products addict, Anatoly shares interesting information on companies products in his twitter and li livejournal blogs. </p> <br />
<p> Dream as you will live forever, live as you will die today! (James Dean) </p>
<p> Inveniam Viam Aut Faciam </p>
<p> Be yourself, no matter what they say! (Sting) </bp>
<p>When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. (Jimmi Hendrix)</p>
<p>To be Continued</p>

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