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Correspondence with Nick Copeland

1,043 bytes added, 11:15, 2 February 2011
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<span style="color:blue">Hi Murray,<br /><br />So I would not put the clicks down to memory, much more likely to be CPU load or potentially digital overload, ie, exceeding the resolution of the 16bit audio sample space. Lets see:<br /><br />CPU load: The -lwf option will have no effect here, these are filter banks for the synths only, I don't use them on the organs. Now I am not sure why the organ should suffer from this, the algorithm (there are two discussed below) is that when you press a single key I run all 92 tonewheels - that is a fat piece of CPU activity. After that taking single keys is actually very efficient. In short, if you can do one voice then you already have the gearbox running and should have pretty unlimited polyphony. Now there are two algorithms I use, one is the above, I call it the Jimmy Smith gearbox - it does emulate all the wheels but uses a big pretty constant lump of CPU. The other is to just use dynamic voice allocation and have each voice generate just the tones it needs. This will have a CPU profile that really does depend on the number of keys. You can select between the two algorithms from the 'Preacher' button in the Opts window.<br /><br />What kind of CPU profile do you see? With one key pressed I get about 25% load on my company laptop but 100% (over)load on my N900 phone with the Preacher enabled but on the laptop the load does not change much if I press a whole load of keys. Without the preacher I get a few percent per voice but that does change a lot as I press more keys.<br /><br />You mention an RT kernel: I take it you have cpu speedstepping disabled? That also causes this kind of problem but I know people normally disable this as a normal part of turning the PC into a realtime audio system.<br /><br />If this is digital overdrive then you can lower the digital gain on the B3 Volume control and increase the offboard gain on your amp however you should be able to hear this by just having a strong signal from the B3 emulator. I do check for this situation as well, ie, if the internal floating point numbers exceed +/-32K I limit the signal level and occasionally display 'Clipping' messages.<br /><br />Kind regards, nick.</span>
Hi Nick,
I have a Maudio 61 keystation usb MIDI controller keyboard, and was wondering if the b3 organ's gain (or volume) be controlled by that volume slider (it works for Qsynth).
Just curious. I will be testing out Bristol setup live on next week's performance :)
<span style="color:blue">Hi Murray,<br /><br />You should be able to put the mouse over the volume controller and click the middle mouse button = click both buttons on a laptop. You then move the volume slider on the MAudio, at this point the B3 should connect them both together to give you volume control. You might want to have Qsynth volume on one control and Bristol on another, that way you can do some basic mixing during the performance.<br /><br />The controller settings are saved when you save a memory, you should be able to double click on the lower manual highest reverse key 'B'. The reversed keys are memories, you can select them quickly here and this B key can save changes if you want to keep them.<br /><br />Kind regards, nick</span>

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