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Hints for Using SVN to collaborate on school projects

2,657 bytes removed, 00:08, 28 September 2010
Notes on SVN for GAM666/DPS901
1 - the name of the local directory for your repository is repository
2 - this local directory has three sub-directories
- branches (your workspace)
- tags (your milestones)
- trunk (your successful releases)
3 - SVN has been integrated with Visual Studio 2010
Questions and Answers:
How do I create a Visual Studio 2010 Solution named prg1 in the repository?
- Note: Always create the solution in ..\repository\branches (not in trunk)
- Open VS
- New Project
- Location: ...\repository\branches
- Name: prg1
- Check the Add to Subversion checkbox
- Click OK
- Would you like to mark prg1 as added to subversion
- Click Yes
- Create your project files
- Compile and run your project
- Close the solution
- Go to repository/branches/
- Open prg1
- Right click on prg1 sub-directory
- Tortoise SVN > Add
- Uncheck prg1/Debug
- Uncheck prg1/*.user
- Click OK
- Click OK
- Go up one directory
- Right click on branches/prg1
- Click OK
- Click OK
Which Visual Studio files shouldn't I add to the repository?
- Note: files that are not included in the repository are 'unversioned'
- Ignore the following files when adding a Visual Studio Solution 2010:
How do I move ..\branches\prg1 into ..\branches\jdoe\prg1 ?
- Note: a move involves a copy plus a delete
- Right click on prg1
- Tortoise SVN > Branch/Tag
- Edit To URL manually (change /branches/prg1 to /branches/jdoe/prg1)
- Add descriptive message
- Click OK
- Go up one directory to ..\branches
- Right click on jdoe
- SVN Update
- Click OK
- Right click on ..\branches\jdoe
- Tortoise SVN > delete
- Click Yes
- Right click on ..\branches\jdoe
- SVN Commit
- Click OK
How do I copy a Visual Studio 2010 Solution named prg1 into the repository?
- Make a copy of the prg1 solution directory
- Paste the copy into ..\repository\branches
- Right-click on prg1
- Tortoise SVN > add
- Uncheck the files that don't need to be added
- Click OK
- Click OK
- Right-click on prg1
- SVN Commit
- Add a descriptive message
- Click OK
- Click OK
How do I copy my completed work in branches into trunk?
- Right click on the directory in ..\repository\branches to be copied
- Tortoise SVN > Branch/Tag ...
- Edit the To URL path manually (replace 'branches' with 'trunk')
- Add a descriptive message to the text box
- Click OK
- on success 'Completed ... ' will appear is the notice box
- Click OK
- Go up to ..\repository
- Right click on trunk
- SVN Update

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