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OPS235 Lab 3 - Fedora17

1 byte removed, 09:14, 20 September 2010
#* Reduce the size of the root LV to 8000 MB.
#* Add a logical volume with a size of 2000 MB and a mountpoint of /home (you can name it whatever you want, and use ext3 or ext4 as the filesystem type).
# On the software selection screen, uncheck the box for all of the software choices, including ''Office and Productivity'' (as well as the other software choices).
# On the same screen, select the "Fedora 13 - x86_64" and the "Fedora 13 - x86_64 - Updates". ''DO NOT'' enable the "Test Updates" repository.
# Complete the installation. Record the time taken to install, and compare this to the time taken by the previous installations.

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