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XB PointStream/specs

223 bytes added, 12:11, 9 July 2010
no edit summary
*FrameImageURL (what is this?)
*DataEmbedded (?)
*PixelSize? (PointSize?)
* Toggle backface culling
* Get/Set frameRate(Get is done)* Get frameCount(Done)
* Set background color (0-1) and transparency
* Toggle looping
* Toggle bounding box
* Get[http:/Set / Add point attenuation]
* Set material
* Toggle streaming
* Get file status and progress
* Auto-center option(Done)
* Set rotation
* Set canvas size(resize done)
* Set projection(perspective, orthographic, user-defined)
* Set camera
* Mouse wheel[ Add mouse support]
* Mouse cursor
* Keyboard
* Take screenshot[ 3D to 2D]
* User-defined shaders
* LOD (if 1/2 million points render fine on MBP, do we need this?)

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