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Blog Guidelines

No change in size, 23:01, 1 October 2009
Posting Guidelines
=Posting Guidelines=
Your blog is an integral part of your work in [[DPS909]]/[[OSD600]]/[[LUX Program|LUX]]your open source course(s). Blog postings will be made available to other students, faculty, and the general public via the web and your RSS/Atom feeds, and your postings will appear on the [ OpenSource@Seneca Planet]. The Planet feed will in turn be picked up and used in a number of very public places.
Because your blog postings will be incorporated into other content, it is important that you represent your thoughts professionally, using these guidelines:
* '''Write professionally.''' Blog postings are less formal than other types of writing, but they are still a reflection of your communications skills.
* '''Remember that the internet has a long memory.''' The Planet page is generated once an hourperiodically, and even if you delete or change your posting, it may be indexed, cached, or reposted during that houruntil the planet is re-generated. Avoid saying something that might come back to haunt you later -- and remember that future employers may read your old postings (as well as future in-laws, office mates, and so forth).
* '''Do not use profane, obscene, or rude content, or content that belittles other people.'''
* '''Do not link to profane, obscene, rude, or illegal material or to sites that knowingly violate intellectual property rights''' (warez).
* '''Keep the postings relevant to your open source work'''.
Failure to follow these guidelines will may result in removal of your feed from the Planet, and in a severe case (such as a breach of the AUP) may result in disciplinary action from the college.
Please note that if you want to create blog entries that may not conform to these guidelines, you are free to do so in one of two ways:

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