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OPS345 Lab 2

330 bytes added, 23:01, 15 September 2021
AWS Networking
** Subnets: create a new one in vpc-ops345 named subnet-ops345, in us-east-1a, (to fit inside the VPC)
** Edit subnet, enable auto-assign public IPv4 addresses
** Internet Gateway: Create ops345-internet-gateway, attach to vpc-ops345
* Create a new security group "ops345sg" in vpc-ops345 with only the SSH port open.
* Create a new VM named "router", in the new vpc/subnet.
** Follow the instructions in lab 1, except use the subnet-ops345 and ops345sg. Also create a new key called ops345-allmachines-key** Associate Note that "Auto-assign Public IP" is enabled by default, but don't change it.** Wait till it starts, then go to "Elastic IPs" and associate elastic IP with router
= Firewalls =

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