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83 bytes added, 13:38, 18 March 2021
Network Connectivity Testing
= Network Connectivity Testing =
Pair up with one of the member student in your group class who has completed the routing configuration. The following steps assume that your network number is "x" and his/her network number is "y".Perform the following test with him/her:# Ping from your gateway to his/her gateway's external IP address: 172.1620.y.1. Move on to the next step if the result is positive.
# Ping from your gateway to his/her gateway's internal IP address: 192.168.y.1. Move on to the next step if the result is positive.
# Ping from your VM to your gateway's internal IP address: 192.168.x.1. Move on to the next step if the result is positive. (from VM2, VM3, VM4, one at a time, same below)
# Ping from your VM to your gateway's external IP address: 172.1620.x.1. Move on to the next step if the result is positive.# Ping from your VM to his/her gateway's external IP address: 172.1620.y.1. Move on to the next step if the result is positive.
# Ping from your VM to his/her gateway's internal IP address: 192.168.y.1. Move on to the next step if the result is positive.
# Ping from your VM to his/her VM's IP address: 192.168.y.z. (z: 2,3,4)
# Ask your partner to repeat the same steps above.
If any of the tests mentioned above failed, you need to check the IP address assignment and/or the routing configuration on all VMs (yours and your partner's) and fix any mistakes until all the tests mentioned above are successful. Make sure that netfilter (iptables service) is not blocking the trafficand both you and your classmate have enable ip_forward on VM1s.
=Completing the Lab=

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