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OPS435 Online Assignment 2S

837 bytes added, 08:53, 19 November 2020
== Overview ==
: Study the Fabric API run(), sudo(), local(), and put() and utilize them to create a four new Fabric task tasks called userAdmin::* addUser(username):* findUser(username):* listUser():* listSysUser(): The userAdminaddUser(username) task should perform the following activities operations on a remote machine tosystem::* create a new user when necessary information is provided, if the user named is already exist, it should fail.: The findUser(username) task should perform the following operations on a remote system::* scan the appropriate system on the remote system and determine whether the named name exist or not and report accordingly.: The listUser() task should perform the following operations on a remote system::* delete an existing scan the appropriate file(s) on the remote system and produce a list of shell user account names on the system. Shell users are those user when it is safe who can login to do sothe remote system and get a bash shell.: The listSysUser() task should perform the following operations on a remote system::* scan the appropriate file(s) on the remote system and produce a list of system user (non-shell) account name on the system. System users are those user who does not get a bash shell.
== Tasks for this assignment ==

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