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Tutorial10: Shell Scripting - Part 1

24 bytes added, 11:34, 3 September 2020
# Save your editing changes and exit your text editor.<br><br>
# Run your renamed shell script for confirmation by issuing:<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">./hello.bash</span><br><br>Take time to view the output and the values of the environment variables.<br><br>
# Issue the following linux command to add your current directory to the '''PATH ''' environment variable:<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">PATH=$PATH:.</span><br><br>
# Issue the following linux command to confirm that the current directory "." has been added to the PATH environment variable:<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">echo $PATH</span><br><br>
# Run the '''hello.bash''' by just shell script name (i.e. to not use ./ prior to shell script name).<br><br>The shell script should run just by name.<br><br>
# Exit your Matrix session, and log back into your Matrix session.<br><br>
# Re-run the '''hello.bash''' shell script by just using the name.<br><br>What did you notice?<br><br>The setting of the '''PATH ''' environment variable only worked in the current session only. If exit the current Matrix session, then the recently changed settings for environment variables are lost. You will learned in Week 12 how to set environment variables in startup files.<br><br>
# Use a text editor to create a file called '''user-variables.bash'''<br><br>
# Add the following lines to the bottom of the file:<br><span style="font-family:courier;">#!/bin/bash<br>age=25<br>readonly age<br>read -p "Enter your Full Name" name<br>read -p "Enter your age (in years): " age<br>echo "Hello $name - You are $age years old"</span><br><br>

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