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OPS435 Online Assignment 2

6 bytes removed, 21:34, 21 July 2020
Suggested Process
<li> Compare your output with the output below.
<li> Write the `parse_for_daily()` function using the pseudocode given. This should be taking the list of lines from your file, and output a dictionary with start dates in DD/MM/YYYY format as the key and usage in seconds as the value.
<li> <code> {'01/01/1980': '1200', '02/01/1980': '2400', '03/01/1980': '2200'} </code>
<li> Once your `parse_for_daily()` function works, call it with the argparse options, and display the contents.
<li> Write (or modify) a function to do the same for remote hosts.

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