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Please post your block device benchmark script here. I'm looking for a wide range of benchmark methodologies, so your script should test in a different way than the other scripts. I will collect these scripts on '''Monday, Jan 26''' and create a master script which runs all of these tests and reports the overall results.
Please post your block device benchmark script here. I'm looking for a wide range of benchmark methodologies, so your script should test in a different way than the other scripts.
= John Doe (example) =
= P. Constantino =
  Script or link to script goes here
# This script generate random numbers and seeks to that POSITION on the block device given, reading 1 kb of data at the time.
# The purpose is test the speed of randomly reading 1024(default) blocks of 1KB from the disk.
# A valid input for BLOCK DEVICE could be: /dev/sdb (disk) - /dev/sda9 (partition) - /dev/md8 (RAID) - /dev/mapper/foo/bar (LV).
echo -n "Enter a number of block to read. Enter for default(1024): "
if [ "$BLOCKS" = "" ]
echo -n "Enter a valid block device (dev/): "
SIZE=$(df /dev/$BLOCKDEVICE | awk '{print $3}' | grep -v 'Used')
time -p for ((x=1; x<=$BLOCKS; x++))
dd if=/dev/$BLOCKDEVICE of=/dev/null bs=1k count=1 seek=$POSITION
echo 3 >/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
echo "  ^ time to process randomly $BLOCKS blocks of 1KB on /dev/$BLOCKDEVICE."
= Gregory Masseau =  
= Katherine Masseau =  
[http://matrix.senecac.on.ca/~gjmasseau/DiskTest.py Disk Test Script]
= Nestor CHAN =
[http://matrix.senecac.on.ca/~tnchan/PerformanceTest/ Perfomance Test]
This script tests a disks write/read performance for both block devices and individual files, presenting it's output as an HTML file contaning a table.
Example invocation:
= Mohak Vyas =
sudo python DiskTest.py D="/dev/sda1" F="./x" -readd -writef -readf -d18 O=/mnt/md0/webshare/stuff/out.html
[http://zenit.senecac.on.ca/wiki/index.php/Performancescript Performance Test]
To (destructively) write test a block device add the '-writed' option.
=Varinder Singh=
[http://matrix.senecac.on.ca/~vsjhand/storage/python-scripts/ Python Performance Scripts]
from sys import stdout
Script in Python.Any suggestions would be welcome
verbosity = 2
debug    = True
if __name__=="__main__":
repeat    = 5
from os    import remove, system
from sys    import argv
from time  import sleep
from timeit import Timer
def setup(argv):
=Kezhong Liang=
"""Takes an argument list argv and returns paraters needed for tests."""
depth  = list(set([a[2:] for a in argv if a[0:2] == "-d"]))
echo "Start to test ..."
disk    = list(set([a[2:] for a in argv if a[0:2] == "D="]))
TIME_WRITE_START=$(date +%s)
scratch = list(set([a[2:] for a in argv if a[0:2] == "F="]))
dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=1024 count=1000000
outf    = list(set([a[2:] for a in argv if a[0:2] == "O="]))
tests  = list(set([a[1:] for a in argv if a[1:] in ["readf","readd","writef","writed"]]))
TIME_WRITE_END=$(date +%s)
errors = list(set([a for a in argv if a not in (["-d"+x for x in depth]+["D="+x for x in disk]+["F="+x for x in scratch]+["-"+x for x in tests]+["O="+x for x in outf]+[argv[0]])]))
echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
if errors or (not(len(disk)==1)) or (not(len(scratch)==1)) or (not(len(depth))==1) or (not(len(outf)) == 1):
print "USAGE -- "+argv[0]+" D=<disk> F=<scratch file> O=<output> -d<depth> [-readd] [-readf] [-writed] [-writef]"
  TIME_READ_START=$(date +%s)
dd if=test of=/dev/null bs=1024 count=1000000
if ("writed" in tests):
TIME_READ_END=$(date +%s)
rm test
print ("WARNING!!! "*7)+"\n\nYou have selected the 'write to disk' test.\nThis test will DESTROY any file system on the device selected (if it is a partition), possibly multiple filesystems if it is an entire disk. \n\nPLEASE DOUBLE CHECK TO ENSURE NO IMPORTANT DATA IS ON THIS DISK PRIOR TO PROCEEDING!\n\nTo proceed with the test, please enter the name of the device whose contents you are about to destroy.\n\n(The test will be aborted if input does not match the disk specified previously.\n\nDevice:",
echo "--------------------------------------------------------"
if (not (raw_input() == disk[0])):
print "\nAborting.\n\n"
echo -n "The write disk performance: "
echo -n $((1024 / $TIME_WRITE_USED))
echo " MB/sec"
echo -n "The read disk performance: "
if ("writef" in tests):
echo -n $((1024 / $TIME_READ_USED))
echo " MB/sec"
tests = ["writef"]+tests
return [disk,scratch,outf,tests,depth]
def time(p):
== Milton Paiva Neto ==
"""Runs a test p, returning the time in seconds it took."""
print " - time(%r)\n"%(p,) if debug else "",
f,d,s,sf  = p
importstr = "from "+"".join(argv[0].split(".")[0:-1])+" import "+", ".join(tests)
teststr  = stringifyparams(p)
timer    = Timer(teststr,importstr)
print " - timer = Timer('%s','%s')\n"%(teststr,importstr) if debug else "",
stdout.write("\nTest: "+teststr if (verbosity==1) else "")
time      = timer.timeit(repeat)
print " - time = %s\n"%time if debug else "",
stdout.write("Time: "+("%.3lf"%time)+" seconds.\n" if (verbosity==1) else "")
return (f,d,s,sf,time)
def stringifyparams(p):
"""Stringifies a set of test parameters p."""
print " - stringifyparams(%r)\n"%(p,) if debug else "",
# Script first written by Nestor Chan - Bossanesta and modified by Milton Paiva Neto <milton.paiva@gmail.com>
func,disk,size,scratchfile = p
# Create 10 files with one with 10 GBs fully of zeros
return "".join([func,"('",disk,"',",("%s"%size),",'",scratchf,"')"])
time -p (for ((x=1; x<=10; x++))
        dd if=/dev/zero of=fakefile$x bs=1G count=10;
def dropextraneous(rs):
"""Takes a tuple rs and drops uneeded fields."""
[http://linux-raid.osdl.org/index.php/Performance Linux Raid Performance]
print " - dropextraneous(%r)\n"%(rs,) if debug else "",
f,d,s,sf,t = rs
return [f,s,t]
def group(inp):
"""Takes a list of lists inp, returning a list of lists grouped by the first element, i.e.:
[['a',1,2],['a',2,3],['b',4,5],['b',6,7],['c',3,3]] => [['a', [[1, 2], [2, 3]]], ['b', [[4, 5], [6, 7]]], ['c', [[3, 3]]]]
print " - group(%r)\n"%inp if debug else "",
return __group(sorted(inp),[],[],"")
def __group(inp,buf,out,seek):
print " - group(%r,%r,%r,'%r')\n"%(inp,out,buf,seek) if debug else "",
if (not (inp==[])):
inph  = inp[0]
inpt  = inp[1:]
inphh = inph[0]
inpht = inph[1:]
seek  = inphh if (seek=="") else seek
return out+[[seek,buf]] if (inp==[]) else __group(inpt,buf+[inpht],out,seek) if (seek==inphh) else __group(inpt,[inpht],out+[[seek,buf]],inphh)
def preformat(d):
"""Adjusts the values returned by the test loop (d) into something suitable for table."""
left  = "<table border=1><tr><td>Bytes</td><td>Test</td></tr></table>"
right  = "<table border=1><tr><td>Test</td><td>Bytes</td></tr></table>"
colns  = (lambda d: [""]+[("<b>%s</b>"%x[0]) for x in d[0][1:][0]]+[""])(d)
rowns  = (lambda d: [("<b>%s</b>"%x[0]) for x in d])(d)
fdata  = (lambda d: [["%.3lf s"%x[1] for x in x[1]] for x in d])(d)
lol    = map(list,zip(*[colns]+[[rowns[x]]+fdata[x]+[rowns[x]] for x in range(0,len(rowns))]+[colns]))
height = (lambda x:len(x)-1)(lol)
width  = (lambda x:len(x[0])-1)(lol)
lol[0]    [0]    = left
lol[height][0]    = left
lol[0]    [width] = right
lol[height][width] = right
return lol
def table(title,lol):
"""Takes a list of lists lol and a title title, returning as a string an HTML page titled title containing the contents of lol in a table."""
print "table(%r)\n"%lol if debug else "",
return "".join(["".join(x) for x in [["<html>\n<center><table><tr><td><center><h3>%s</h3></center></td></tr><tr><td><table border=1>"%title]]+[["\n    <tr>"]+["\n      <td>%s</td>"%w for w in l]+["\n    </tr>"] for l in lol]+[["\n  </table></td></tr></table></center>\n</html>"]]])
settings  =    setup(argv)
disks    =    settings[0]
scratchfs =    settings[1]
outputf  =    settings[2][0]
tests    = settings[3]
depth   = int(settings[4][0])
testparams = [(test,disk,size,scratchf)
for test    in tests
for size    in [siz*1024 for siz in [1<<(x-1) for x in range(1,depth)]]
for scratchf in scratchfs
for disk    in disks
for depth    in [depth]]
OUTFILE = open(outputf,"w")
OUTFILE.write(table("Disk Benchmark Results",preformat(group(map((lambda p:dropextraneous(time(p))),testparams)))))
print "\nDone. Output is in: "+outputf+"."
from os    import SEEK_END
from random import randint
def donefile(FILE,tag):
"""Close a file."""
print " - donefile(FILE) <-[ %s ]\n"%tag if debug else "",
print ' - FILE.close()\n' if debug else "",
stdout.write("done.\n" if (verbosity==2) else ""),
return True
def writef(disk,size,scratchf):
"""Do a file write test."""
print " - writef('%s',%d,'%s')\n"%(disk,size,scratchf) if debug else "",
stdout.write("(D) Writing "+("%s"%size)+" bytes to "+scratchf+"...\n" if (verbosity==2) else ""),
FILE = open(scratchf,"w")
print ' - FILE.write("xxx"...)\n' if debug else "",
FILE.write((lambda x: "".join(["x" for x in range(1,x)]))(size))
return True
def writed(disk,size,scratchf):
"""Do a disk write test."""
print " - writed('%s',%d,'%s')\n"%(disk,size,scratchf) if debug else "",
return writef(disk,size,disk)
def readf(disk,size,scratchf):
"""Do a file read test."""
print " - readf('%s',%d,'%s')\n"%(disk,size,scratchf) if debug else "",
print ' - FILE = open(%s),"r"\n'%disk if debug else "",
FILE = open(scratchf,"r")
stdout.write("(D) Reading "+("%s"%size)+" bytes from "+scratchf+"...\n" if (verbosity==2) else "")
print ' - FILE.read()\n' if debug else "",
FILE.read(size) if (size < 4194304) else [FILE.read(4194304) for x in range(0,size/4194304)]
return True
def readd(disk,size,scratchf):
"""Do a file read test."""
print " - readd('%s',%d,'%s')\n"%(disk,size,scratchf) if debug else "",
return readf(disk,size,disk)
def randomseek(disk):
"""Seek the disk head to a random position."""
print " - randomseek('%s')\n"%disk if debug else "",
jumploc = randint(0,disksize(disk))
stdout.write("Randomizing head position by seeking byte "+("%s"%jumploc)+" of "+disk+"...\n" if (verbosity==2) else "")
print ' - FILE = open(%s),"r"\n'%disk if debug else "",
FILE    = open(disk,"r")
return True
def disksize(disk):
"""Get the size of a disk."""
print " - disksize('%s')\n"%disk    if debug else "",
print ' - FILE = open(%s),"r"\n'%disk if debug else "",
FILE = open(disk,"r")
l    = FILE.tell()
print " - FILE.close()\n" if debug else "",
return l
def writef(disk,size,scratchf):
"""Do a file write test."""
print " - writef('%s',%d,'%s')\n"%(disk,size,scratchf) if debug else "",
stdout.write("(D) Writing "+("%s"%size)+" bytes to "+scratchf+"...\n" if (verbosity==2) else ""),
FILE = open(scratchf,"w")
print ' - FILE.write(<%d>)\n'%size if debug else "",
[FILE.write('\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa') for x in range(0,size/64)]
return True

Latest revision as of 23:39, 16 July 2012

Please post your block device benchmark script here. I'm looking for a wide range of benchmark methodologies, so your script should test in a different way than the other scripts.

P. Constantino

# This script generate random numbers and seeks to that POSITION on the block device given, reading 1 kb of data at the time. 
# The purpose is test the speed of randomly reading 1024(default) blocks of 1KB from the disk.
# A valid input for BLOCK DEVICE could be: /dev/sdb (disk) - /dev/sda9 (partition) - /dev/md8 (RAID) - /dev/mapper/foo/bar (LV).
echo -n "Enter a number of block to read. Enter for default(1024): "
read BLOCKS 
if [ "$BLOCKS" = "" ]
echo -n "Enter a valid block device (dev/): "
SIZE=$(df /dev/$BLOCKDEVICE | awk '{print $3}' | grep -v 'Used')
time -p for ((x=1; x<=$BLOCKS; x++))
		dd if=/dev/$BLOCKDEVICE of=/dev/null bs=1k count=1 seek=$POSITION
		echo 3 >/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
echo "  ^ time to process randomly $BLOCKS blocks of 1KB on /dev/$BLOCKDEVICE."

Katherine Masseau

Disk Test Script

Nestor CHAN

Perfomance Test

Mohak Vyas

Performance Test

Varinder Singh

Python Performance Scripts

Script in Python.Any suggestions would be welcome

Kezhong Liang

echo "Start to test ..."
TIME_WRITE_START=$(date +%s)
dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=1024 count=1000000
TIME_WRITE_END=$(date +%s)
echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
TIME_READ_START=$(date +%s)
dd if=test of=/dev/null bs=1024 count=1000000
TIME_READ_END=$(date +%s)
rm test
echo "--------------------------------------------------------"
echo -n "The write disk performance: "
echo -n $((1024 / $TIME_WRITE_USED))
echo " MB/sec"
echo -n "The read disk performance: "
echo -n $((1024 / $TIME_READ_USED))
echo " MB/sec"

Milton Paiva Neto

# Script first written by Nestor Chan - Bossanesta and modified by Milton Paiva Neto <milton.paiva@gmail.com>
# Create 10 files with one with 10 GBs fully of zeros

time -p (for ((x=1; x<=10; x++))
       dd if=/dev/zero of=fakefile$x bs=1G count=10; 


Linux Raid Performance