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Decimal / Binary / Octal / Hexadecimal Numbering Systems
The '''binary''' numbering system consists of digits consisting of numbers '''0''' or '''1'''. Digital computers have circuits which representing data in terms of voltage levels. Multiple circuits are used to represent data (in the form of ''binary'' numbers).
The numbering system is based on sums of the power of '''2'''.
According Referring to the diagram to the right, the value of each decimal digit moving to consists of the left of units value is the (placeholder ) multiplied to by the corresponding power of two2. Units are ten to the power of zero (which is For example, '''2<sup>0</sup>''' , '''2<sup>1)</sup>''', then two to the power of one (which is '''2<sup>2)</sup>, etc.''' which move in a '''right-to-left''' direction.
''Octal / Hexadecimal Numbers''

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