The Team OpText - OOP344

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Revision as of 16:57, 28 March 2010 by Dseifried (talk | contribs) (Issues)
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OOP344 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Teams | Project | Student Resources

The Applicaton

Repo No: 6



  • 1- Branch the trunk into biof0.8 in tags and create a workspace to work on biof functions due Mar 16 midnight;

Programmer: Umar Mirza Email: umirza IRC: umirza85

  • 2 - bform.h, bform.cpp mockup, returning dummy values, due March 17 midnight

Programmer: Carolyn Woodley Email: cwoodley1 IRC: cwoodley

  • 3 - bedit.h, bedit.cpp mockup, returning dummy values due Mar 18 midnight

Programmer: David Seifried Email: dseifried IRC: Jangalang

  • 4 - blabel.h, blabel.cpp mockup, returning dummy values Due Mar 18 midnight

Programmer: Bryan Cohen Email: bmcohen IRC: bmcohen

  • 5 - bfield.h, bfield.cpp mockup, returning dummy values Due March 17 midnight

Programmer: Brendan McDorman Email:bmcdorman IRC:kuat

  • 6 - bform.h, bform.cpp code, due March 26, 2010

Programmer: Carolyn Woodley Email: cwoodley1 IRC: cwoodley

  • 7 - Compilation of project. Due March 19 midnight

Programmer: Mike Lin Email:mlin25 IRC:mlin25

  • 8 - bfield.cpp code. Due March 27 midnight

Programmer: Bryan Cohen Email: bmcohen IRC: bmcohen

  • 9 - BLabel.cpp code. Due March 27 midnight

Programmer: Brendan McDorman Email:bmcdorman IRC:kuat

  • 10 - bedit.cpp code. Due March 27 midnight

Programmer: Mike Lin Email:mlin25 IRC:mlin25

  • 11 - TxtEdit core. Due March 28 midnight

Programmer: Umar Mirza Email: umirza IRC: umirza85

  • 12 - bfield.cpp testing. Due March 28 midnight

Programmer: David Seifried Email: dseifried IRC: Jangalang

  • 13 - bform.cpp testing. Due March 28 midnight

Programmer: Umar Mirza Email: umirza IRC: umirza85

  • 14 - blabel.cpp testing. Due March 28 midnight

Programmer: Carolyn Woodley Email: cwoodley1 IRC: cwoodley


Umar Mirza

Email: umirza IRC: umirza85

Tasks Progress

- Task 1 Completed
- Completed the main that can be compiled conditionally.


David Seifried

Email: dseifried IRC: Jangalang

Tasks Progress

-Task 3 completed
-Task 12 completed


Most functions were fine, but for the display, row, and col functions, when trying to access _owners row and col values the program receives errors.

Carolyn Woodley

Email: cwoodley1 IRC: cwoodley

Tasks Progress

Task 2 Completed

  • Skeleton for BForms

Task 6 Completed... I think

  • BForm.cpp code filled in

Task 14 Completed.

  • BLabel.cpp code seems congruent to instructions, Awesome Job Brendan!


Brendan McDorman

Email: bmcdorman IRC: Kuat

Tasks Progress

Task: Creating BLabel. Done, without testing yet.


Bfield not completed for personal testing, but eh. I cannot add the files to the vcproj, since I do not have visual studio, someone else must do that.

Bryan Cohen

Email: bmcohen IRC: bmcohen

Tasks Progress

- task 4 completed and committed to trunk.


Michael Lin

Email: mlin25 IRC: mlin25

Tasks Progress

Task 7 Completed.
Task 10 Completed.
