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Test Team Please Ignore

Revision as of 18:27, 10 November 2015 by Shigemi Yoshimori (talk | contribs)

Test Team Please Ignore

Team Members

  1. Kirill Lepetinskiy
  2. Shigemi Yoshimori
  3. Erquan Bi Email All


Assignment 1

Image Rotation I profiled a code found on There are multiple functions available within the code, and I decided to try three of them (enlarge, flip, and rotate image) It turned out that rotation takes the longest time and good place to apply parallelization.

Flat profile:

Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.

 %   cumulative   self              self     total
time   seconds   seconds    calls  ms/call  ms/call  name
34.55      0.19     0.19                             Image::rotateImage(int, Image&)
25.45      0.33     0.14                             Image::Image(Image const&)
18.18      0.43     0.10        1   100.00   100.00  Image::operator=(Image const&)
12.73      0.50     0.07        1    70.00    70.00  Image::Image(int, int, int)
 5.45      0.53     0.03                             writeImage(char*, Image&)
 3.64      0.55     0.02                             readImage(char*, Image&)
 0.00      0.55     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  _GLOBAL__sub_I_main
 0.00      0.55     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  Image::~Image()

Assignment 2

Assignment 3