Teams Winter 2011/team1/RCP/Create RPC Application

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Create a RCP Application

In this tutorial we are going to demonstrate how to build a simple RCP application to maintain student's information. We keep the data in a List object and will not preserve data. This tutorial uses the ... Tutorial as reference.

To begin with, we create a simple RCP from the "Hello World" RCP template. The will add our Model classes. Eventually we use perspective, view, Jface viewe and Commands, to display, edit, Add and Delete students' records.

Start The Application

Create an new plug-in project from File menu (File>New>Project>Plug-in Development> Plug-in project).

Name it: "cs.ecl.rcp.SimpleRCP"

Select "Yes" in responce to the question:" Would you like to create a rich client application?"

Select the "Hello RCP" in the Templates screen.

Un-check "Add branding".

The "RCP" project is created with some classes already in it. We will modify this project to create our RCP application for the purpose if this tutorial.

Run The Application

To run the application, right click on the project and select :Run As> Eclipse Application. Alternatively, you can click on the "Run an Eclipse Application" In the "Testing section of the project Overview window. RCPRun1.jpg

At this point, the application starts and looks like this:

Add Model

Create Model Package

Add Model Class(s)

Add Model Provider