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Team Q - OOP344 20133

5,352 bytes added, 19:03, 15 December 2013
Release V1.0
{{OOP344 Index | 20133}}   = Team Name=== TEAM Q == == 
== Project Marking Percentage ==
* due right after study break
Group work: XX50% (25 <= xx <= 50) Individual work: XX50% + (50 <= xx <= 75)
Total 100%
== Repository ==
* repo path:
=== Master Branch Status ===
*: Open: you can merge now.
*: Closed: Wait for the repo to get opened
====Logs====* DateTime, Merged/being Merged by [ full name], ircnick: mynick, any other infoPLEASE PULL FROM THE REPO
== Coding Style and Standards ==
* No Tab Character 's are allowed. in the code however when using Visual Studio we must change the TAB setting (replace tabs with Please set your tab size to 3 and also your indent size to 3 and have it insert spaces, instead of TAB) * Each object and variable must have its own type:to make it as clear as possible<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
int a;
int b;
CDialog D;
</syntaxhighlight> * Pointer *<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">Is Accepted int* number;Not Accepted int *number;</syntaxhighlight> *Header Files and Class/Struct Formatting <syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">#ifndef __TEAMQ_FILENAME_H__ // Safeguard#define __TEAMQ_FILENAME_H__  class example{private: int var1; int* var2;public: void display();}; void example::display(){ a=var1+var2;} #endif </syntaxhighlight>   * Formatting of condition blocks<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">if (condition){ doStuff;}else{ doOtherStuff;} for (x=0;x<5;x++){ loopStuff;}</syntaxhighlight> * File Heading Comments <syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">/********************************************Filename: filename.cpp (or .h)Description: Small description of the purposeSection: OOP344x (x for Section)Name: Firstname LastnameStudent Id: 123-456-789Date Last Modified: Month, Day, Year********************************************/</syntaxhighlight> Comments in Code * placed above each function, gives a short description of purpose* comment any large blocks or complex code above your codeFor Example<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp"> if (blahblah = 50){ // will perform this do1; // will perform that do2; // will perform whatever do3; }</bigsyntaxhighlight>
== Team Members ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1" cellpadding="5"
|+ '''Team Name (team x)Qt'''
! First Name !! Last Name !! Section !! Seneca Id !! wiki id !! IRC nick !! Blog URL
|[[User:WikiID Alvaro Lemus | Alvaro]]|| Lemus|| C|| [] || [[Special:Contributions/Alvaro_Lemus | Alvaro Lemus ]] || alemus4|| [ Kyno's Blog]|-|[[User:Brad Clement | Brad ]] || alemus4 Clement || C || [] || [[Special:Contributions/Brad_Clement | Brad Clement ]] || bradc14 || [ Brad's Blog]|-|[[User:Gyeongmin Jung | Gyeongmin ]]|| Jung || A || [] || [[Special:Contributions/Gyeongmin_Jung | Gyeongmin Jung ]] || gjung1 || [ Hello World!]|-|[[User:David Dooney | Dave ]]|| Dooney || C || [] || [[Special:Contributions/David_Dooney | David Dooney ]] || bakoomerang || [http://your blog address Dave's Blog]
== tasks ==
=== task name ===
* task description
* being done by team member name / not assigned
* status
===Release V1.0===
# <u>'''Version 1.0 Release'''</u>
#* Member: Brad Clement, David Dooney, Gyeongmin Jung, Alvaro Lemus
#* Status: <span style="color:green">Complete</span><br/><br/>
===Release 0.4 Release Date Nov 22nd 11:59PM===
# <u>'''CButton Workload 25%'''</u>
#* Member: Brad Clement
#* Task: Code cbutton.h and cbutton.cpp
#* Status: <span style="color:green">Complete</span><br/><br/>
# <u>'''CValEdit Workload 25%'''</u>
#* Member: Gyeongmin Jung
#* Task: Code cvaledit.h and cvaledit.cpp
#* Status: <span style="color:green">Complete</span><br/><br/>
# <u>'''CCheckMark Workload 25%'''</u>
#* Member: David Dooney
#* Task: Code ccheckmark.h and ccheckmark.cpp
#* Status: <span style="color:green">Complete</span><br/><br/>
# <u>'''CMenuItem Workload 25%'''</u>
#* Member: Alvaro Lemus
#* Task: Code cmenuitem.h and cmenuitem.cpp
#* Status: <span style="color:green;">Complete</span><br/><br/>
===Release 0.3 Monday Nov 4th, 23:59 ===
# <u>'''Prototyping Workload-16%'''</u>
#* Member: Alvaro Lemus
#* Task: Create prototypes and empty definitions for all classes
#* Status: <span style="color:green;">Complete</span><br/><br/>
# <u>'''CLabel Workload-17%'''</u>
#* Member: Alvaro Lemus
#* Task: Code CLabel.h and CLabel.cpp
#* Status: <span style="color:green;">Complete</span><br/><br/>
# <u>'''CDialog Workload-50%'''</u>
#* Member: Brad Clement / David Dooney
#* Task: Code CDialog.h and CDialog.cpp
#* Status: <span style="color:green;">Complete</span> <br/><br/>
# <u>'''CLineEdit Workload-17%'''</u>
#* Member:Gyeongmin Jung
#* Task: Code CLineEdit.h and CLineEdit.cpp
#* Status: <span style="color:green;">Complete</span> <br/><br/>
===Release 0.2 Due Date October 20th, 23:59===
* Organize and complete team page - <span style="color:orange;">Always in Progress</span>
* Select a team member's console.cpp and console.h to use - <span style="color:green;">Complete - Used David Dooney's Files</span>
* That team member should branch and clone the repository, add console.cpp and console.h to the files in the repository, compile, run and test the execution. When done this team member should add her/his name, github id and the date and time of the completion (as a comment) to cframe.h and merge the branch back to the master repo and push the changes up to github.
* All other members clone the repository, comment, and test the execution of CFrame
<li>Branch the master for review with a proper name</li><span style="color:green;">Complete</span>
<li>Compile, run and test the execution</li><span style="color:green;">Complete</span>
<li>Add a comment with your, github id and date and time to the top of cframe.h header file</li><span style="color:green;">Complete</span>
<li>Merge the branch back into the master branch</li><span style="color:green;">Complete</span>
<li>Push the changes to github</li><span style="color:green;">Complete</span>
== Meetings ==
November 4th
- Met in 1131 Study Room to finish completing release 0.3
November 2nd and 3rd
- Spoke on Skype to work through and fix issues
November 1st 9:50 AM up to 4:30pm
- Reserved room at Library Studies 1131. Working on Release 0.3
October 21st 11:00 AM
- talked over dividing of tasks for Release 0.3
October 20th 4:30 PM
- completed details for coding styles and requirements
October 17th 5:00 PM
- initial setup of team page and deciding requirements
== meetings ==
* latest will be on top
=== topic, date ===
[[Irc logs of meeting (unique name) - oop344 20113 | date]]

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