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Team Guardian Physics

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How to Use
; Vector position; // : Current position of COM; Vector velocity; // : Current velocity of COM ; Vector lastVelocity; // : Used to help detect velocity spikes; Vector acceleration; // : Additive acceleration of COM; Vector force; // : Constant force applied to COM; Vector temporalForce; // : Force that will be applied at the nexttick // and then reset to 0. // Total linear acceleration is equal to: // <math>acceleration + ((force + temporalForce)/mass)</math> ; float mass; // : Mass, defaults to 1, the more mass present // the more force required to move the object. // Set this to INFINITE_MASS (#include // “ModelSettings"ModelSettings.h”h") to prevent the object from // moving. ; float dragCoefficient; // : The drag coefficient, 0 implies no drag, // 0.25~0.45 is the drag of a car, etc... ; float restitution; // : How much energy does the object keep after a // collision? // 1 - Superball, the object loses none // , 0 - Clay, the object loses all ; float friction; // : Tangential impulse applied during a collision that // hinders movement // along the plane of the collision normal. // Coefficient of friction of // a given collision is calculated by adding together // the friction values of the two objects colliding. ; Vector com; // : Center of Mass offset. ; PhysicsType physicsType; // : Type of physics applied to body, defaults to // Falling (BUGGY, can reliably use PHYS_Falling and // PHYS_Floatingfor now) ; Matrix orientation; // : Matrix representing rotation in XYZ; Vector angularVelocity; // : Angular velocity in radians/sec in XYZ; Vector angularMomentum; // : Angular momentum on the COM; Vector torque; // : Torque force on the COM; Vector temporalTorque; // : Torque force that will be applied at the next tick // and then reset to 0; // Total angular acceleration is equal to: // aAcceleration angularAcceleration + ((torque + // temporalTorque)/inertiaMoment) 
RBDynamics Functions Reference

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