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Team 3 Bugs Report


Week 3 - Sept 16 - 22

  • forgot about using -lncurses so was getting multiple compile errors on Matrix

Week 4 - Sept 23 - 29

  • Allocated memory for local copy of str in the edit() function. Memory allocated (by calling new) was based on length of original string. After inserts into the local copy, memory was therefore corrupted and delete [] was failing. The memory allocation was changed to be based on maxStrLength which is passed in to edit(). This fixed the problem.
  • Was getting warnings from Borland compiler regarding the mixed use of signed and unsigned variables. This was fixed in the code.
  • cl command was giving a warning which was resolved with the use of the /EHsc option at the end of the command
  • After typing/deleting a character in the entry field, the screen was not updated properly. This was due to the fact that strOffset and curPosition were not incremented/decremented properly
  • The "application" had a runtime segmentation fault. This was because the string buffer was not allocated large enough.


Week 3 - Sept 16 - 22

  • display() function has been completed.

Week 4 - Sept 23 - 29

  • overall structure for edit() was discussed
  • started coding some of the functions that edit() calls
  • majority of these functions have been completed
  • testing in progress
  • minor changes were made to function signatures after team review
  • testing is complete
  • finalizing comments before submission
  • the "application" was created and tested