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Koji Follow

1,992 bytes added, 16:51, 5 March 2013
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== Notes ==
* This script does not automatically solve circular dependency issues (which there are a lot of, especially packages like sub perl modules)
* This script does not automatically solve bootstrapping or name bump requires issues (which happens often during a completely new tag rebuild)
* This script does not attempt to solve any package build failure issues
* This script can be run in 2 modes: "mass-rebuild" and "latest-follow" and ques builds in order based on their "creation_ts" value
** mass-rebuild mode will attempt to compile a complete list of packages that were built for a given tag and then que them in the given order
** latest-follow mode will perform a "list-tagged --latest" and que each unbuilt package in the given order
== Example mass-rebuild config file and program execution ==
primary_url = ""
primary_arch = "x86_64"
#secondary_url = ""
#secondary_arch = "armhfp"
#primary_url = ""
#primary_arch = "armhfp"
secondary_url = ""
secondary_arch = "armv6hl"
client_cert = os.path.expanduser("~/.fedora.cert")
server_cert = os.path.expanduser("~/.fedora-server-ca.cert")
target_arch = "arm"
tag_name = "f18"
que_limit = 80
excl_list = ["glibc","kernel","koji","redhat-rpm-config","rpm","yum"]
check_tag = "all"
retry_build = "all"
<b>python ~/ ~/koji-follow.conf > ~/logs/kfo.log 2> ~/logs/kfe.log</b>
== Example mass-rebuild config file and program execution ==
primary_url = ""
primary_arch = "x86_64"
#secondary_url = ""
#secondary_arch = "armhfp"
#primary_url = ""
#primary_arch = "armhfp"
secondary_url = ""
secondary_arch = "armv6hl"
client_cert = os.path.expanduser("~/.fedora.cert")
server_cert = os.path.expanduser("~/.fedora-server-ca.cert")
target_arch = "arm"
tag_name = "f18"
que_limit = 80
excl_list = ["glibc","kernel","koji","redhat-rpm-config","rpm","yum"]
check_tag = "latest"
retry_build = "failed"
<b>python ~/ ~/koji-follow.conf > ~/logs/kfo.log 2> ~/logs/kfe.log</b>