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Project R0.1 20131- OOP344

133 bytes added, 04:34, 3 February 2013
! Question!! Comments
|If IsTextEditor is true and the value of<u> *strOffset is changed at any time,</u> then terminate the edit function immediately and return 0; CAN SOMEONE explain what it means.. please : (|| here is "if IsTextEditor is true, test if It means move your cursor to show the hidden characters or to hide shown characters(move to left or right); <br/>*strOffset is changed, then teminate the program;" number of characters of the left postion of string that not be displayed within the text-field. <br/> 
At frist, you need store the original value of *strOffset, then everytime you press key, test if *strOffset is different from the original value, if it is then exit function and return 0;--hqiao3<br/>