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1,459 bytes added, 20:31, 22 November 2011
Prioritized Note Record
* Electroencephalography
Research on Electroencephalography (EEG)
EEG’s are sensors that can detect brain activity produced by neurons in the human brain. Multiple EEG’s are required to accurately measure the true electrical output of the human brain. EEG technology is actively being used in the health sector to diagnose victims of epileptic seizures and various other conditions that deal with the human brain.
EEG also has some characteristics that compare favorably with behavioral testing:
§ EEG can detect covert processing (i.e., processing that does not require a response)
§ EEG can be used in subjects who are incapable of making a motor response
§ Some ERP components can be detected even when the subject is not attending to the stimuli
§ Unlike other means of studying reaction time, ERPs can elucidate stages of processing (rather than just the final end result)
(Wikipedia:Electroencephalography 2011)
This process involves placing many electrodes on the scalp. The scalp has to be prepared by applying a light abrasion to its surface. Each electrode is connected to an amplifier which amplifies the electricity produced in the brain. This analog signal is then converted to a digital signal by digitizing the output. The electrical output has to be filtered so that the intended results are read and are not clouded by clumps of data. The resultant information can be read and used by the computer through Brain Computer Interfaces.
* Neuroplasticity