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Console Framework Classes 20103 - OOP344

25 bytes added, 12:05, 18 November 2010
int _lcurpos;
Line Cursor Position; this variable keeps track of which line of text the cursor is on. _lcurpos is zero , if the cursor is on the fist line appearing in the Border.
int _loffset;
Offset Of the First Line; this variable keeps track of which line is the first appearing in the border. _loffset is zero , if the first string (line ) of the text string array is appearing on the fist line of the Border.<br /><br />
'''_lcurpos''' and '''_loffset''' have the same responsibility as _curpos, and _offset, but only for lines of the text. So as the left and right scrolling is done by manipulating _offset and _curpos, up and down scrolling of lines in the text are done by manipulating '''_loffset''' and '''_lcurpose'''