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SRA840 Lab7

756 bytes added, 17:43, 11 April 2009
mysql> delete from ''table_name'' where name='johndoe';
7. How will you read records from in a plain text file into MySQL. Give an example.
8. What are the exact sequence of steps that you need to take so that Apache logs can be read in from MySQL. Assume you have a default installation of Apache and a default
installation of MySQL.
9. Name two security measures that MySQL recommmends
*Encrypt the passwords
*Add an password for the default system users like root and mysql.
10. Which MySQL log file, in your opinion, is important for you to keep track of and why?
11. As you observe from the tutorials, many users have added their own comments in addition to the MySQL material. Which two comments (one from the using tutorial and one from the administration tutorial) you think were useful to you.