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OPS435 Online Lab8

180 bytes added, 09:59, 6 July 2020
:0. Review SSH setup and SSH remote shell command execution
:1. Explore the Fabric Python library (Fabric API) and its command line tool "fab".
:2. Create Fabric scripts utilizing Fabric's API and environment objects to define tasks for the '''fab''' command.
:3. Use the '''fab''' command to execute fabric script to perform pre-defined tasks on remote Linux machines.
== Prerequisites ==
:# Has the user account named "stduent" and password for your VM with access port on
:# Regular account on
== Overview ==
: Fabric is a Python library and command-line tool for streamlining the use of SSH for application deployment or system administration tasks. It has two major components:
:# a command-line interface program called "fab" that which lets you execute arbitrary Python functions on local and remote machines.
:# a set of Python APIs that you can use and call in your Python functions to make executing shell commands over SSH much easier.
: We are going to use the Fabric API to define tasks and its use the '''fab''' command to define and execute Python functions (those tasks on one or tasks), to automate interactions with more remote Linux machines in this lab.