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170 bytes added, 02:04, 3 December 2016
Finished The example finished execution at 180 milliseconds
OpenMp with work-sharing implementation. Since the program is adding data, a reduction pattern can be used with Openmp's work-sharing constructs.
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
Finished The example finished execution at 63 milliseconds
Native SPMD Implementation using mutex locking barrier.
Finished The example finished execution at 6 milliseconds
===Asynchronous Multi-Threading===
C++ 11 allows the creation of asynchronous threads using the std:async template function part of the <future> header. The function returns a std::future type that will store the expected return value of std::async’s parameter function.
A future is an object that can retrieve a value from some provider object (also known as a promise) or function. Simply put in the case of multithreading, a future object will wait until its associated thread has completed and then store its return value.
To retrieve or construct a future object, these functions may be used.
• Async
• promise::get_future
• packaged_task::get_future
However, a future object can only be used if it is in a valid state. Default future objects constructed from the std::async template function are not valid and must be assigned a valid state during execution.
A std::future references a shared state that cannot be shared to other asynchronous return objects. If multiple threads need to wait for the same shared state, std::shared_future class template should be used.

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