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1 byte removed, 18:09, 31 October 2014
Assignment 2
=== Assignment 2 ===
'''Problem Description'''
In the assignment one, Wes worked on a Fibonacci number calculator algorithm and Norbert worked on a dartboard algorithm to calculate the PI problem. In this assignment our team decided to select the PI calculation problem, and we converted our basic CPU program to a parallel program which speeds up the algorithm using GPU. As Norbert concluded on previous assignment, the PI can be approximated in a number of ways. The dartboard algorithm is not the fastest algorithm, but it is very feasible to parallelize. The main idea behind it can be compared to a dartboard – you throw a random number of (n) darts at the board and note down the darts that have landed within it and those that have not. The hot spot of this algorithm is a single for loop, which is calculating the size of the PI. This can be executed independently, because it has no data dependency, therefore it is possible to parallelize with CUDA to speed up the processing time. So our strategy is to break up the “for loop” into multiple portions which could be executed by the tasks.

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