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Registering Twitter App - getting Consumer Key and Consumer Secret (Imtiaz Latif)
= Registering Twitter App - getting Consumer Key and Consumer Secret (Imtiaz Latif) =
In order to access Twitter API, you must create Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. Why do you need these key? because Twitter and many other organizations have added an open standard token based framework called OAuth for authentication and authorization purpose.
'''Steps for getting Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.'''
'''Step 1: Navigate to and enter you Twitter user name and password.'''
'''Step 2: Once you login, you need to register your application'''
'''Step 3: After you register your App, click on settings tab and change the access type to read, write access.'''
'''Step 4: Copy the Consumer Key and Consumer Access'''
Please note: you also need to download Twitter4J.jar files and place it in your project's libs folder. you can further read their official documentation to determine which file you needed for your project here