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Sept 24 2010 class lecture notes for OOP344

Revision as of 15:16, 1 October 2010 by Dkarp (talk | contribs) (Created page containing Sept 24 2010 OOP344 Typewithme notes)
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  • address
    beginning of location in memory
    just an unsigned integer but adding one to a pointer, adds the size of the target to the pointer
  • sizeof(pointer) is always the same regardless of the type of the targer of the pointer

Declaration of Pointers

  • int* p, not int *p (integer pointer variable named p, not integer variable of pointer named p)
  • undefined pointer points to "garbage"

Int vs. pointer

  • int can be signed (positive / negative)
  • pointers are unsigned (only positive) and adding one to a pointer, adds the size of the target to the pointer

Use of pointers

  • &a = "address of variable a"
  • *p = "where p is pointing to" OR "data at pointer p"
  • int* p = 8; (pointer p is now pointing to memory location 8)
  • if p is an int pointer variable, p++ will increment the address of p by the memory size of an int (so p will be 12)


  • 'int a[5];' creates 6 objects.... 5 integers and 1 pointer
  • *a is the same as a[0]
  • string = array of characters terminated by a null character
  • Dereferencing operator (*) takes precendence over +/- operators (Quiz alert)
  • Using 'int a[5] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};', *a would point to the beginning of the array, where the value '10' is located
  • '*a+2' first resolves data at a, and then adds 2, giving us '12'
  • '*(a+2)' gives us the data 2 integers 'forward' from the beginning of the array 'a'
  • With two-dimensional arrays, 'a' will point to a 'pack', or 'row', of integers. (a + 1) will move to the next pack, or row, of integers.
  • Multi-dimensional arrays are actually represented as single-dimension arrays within the system memory.

Lazy Evaluation

  • When evaluating numerous condition statements connected with && (AND), the moment a "false" is encountered, no further statements are evaluated, because the statement as a whole is false.
  • A method of substituting if statements by using && (AND) operand.
  • Pseudocode : (boolean statement) && (action performed if boolean statement is true)
  • Lazy Evaluation is generally faster than if statements.


sizeof(int); = operator that returns the memory size of data type given as argument. in this case, it returns the size of an int. can also operate on objects.
