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Revision as of 19:37, 24 November 2008 by Milton.paiva (talk | contribs) (Example Midterm Test Questions)

Example Midterm Test Questions

1. List the 5 steps (exact commands) you would enter in order to
   format an ext3 file system on hard drive partition /dev/sdb2,
   label it BACKUP, set its maximum mount count to 50, check it for 
   errors and mount it on directory /mnt. 

   You should assume the mount point and the hard drive partition
   already exist and that the partition has never been formatted.

   [ Each command is worth one mark. ]

	   1st COMMAND: _____________________________________

	   2nd COMMAND: _____________________________________

	   3rd COMMAND: _____________________________________

	   4th COMMAND: _____________________________________

	   5th COMMAND: _____________________________________
2. Describe the process of use LVM to extent a partition also label the new partition.
           1st COMMAND: fdisk /dev/sdb

	   2nd COMMAND: pvcreate /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdb2

	   3rd COMMAND: vgcreate /dev/sdb1

	   4th COMMAND: lvcreate -n home --size 500M seneca

           5 th COMMAND: mkfs.ext3 /dev/seneca/home

           6 th COMMAND: mount /dev/seneca/home /mnt

           7 th COMMAND: e2label /dev/seneca/home myhome

           8 th COMMAND: vgextend seneca /dev/sda2

           9 th COMMAND: lvextend -L+1G /dev/seneca/home

           10 th COMMAND: resize2fs /dev/seneca/home