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Revision as of 18:40, 10 April 2016 by Jsiu3 (talk | contribs) (Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library (DAAL))

Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library (DAAL)

Team Member

  1. Luong Chuong
  2. Jacky Siu
  3. Woodson Delhia

Intro OLD

Local DAAL Examples Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\compilers_and_libraries_2016\windows\daal\examples


New Data:

Parser code:

Low Order Moments:

Our goal is to parse & process this crime data and to add more meaning to said data. Using various parallel techniques taught in the course and comparing them via the DAAL library.


DAAL is a C++ & Java / Scala library for data analytics. It's similar to MKL with some differences:

  • MKL focuses on computation. DAAL focuses on the entire data flow (aquisition, transformation, processing).
  • Optimized for all kinds of Intel based devices (from data center to home computers)

DAAL supports offline, online and distributed data processing.

DAAL works with different BIG Data frameworks:

  • Hadoop
  • Spark
  • MPI


Code Examples

Batch Sorting

/* file: sorting_batch.cpp
* Copyright 2014-2016 Intel Corporation All Rights Reserved.*/

#include "daal.h"
#include "service.h"

using namespace daal;
using namespace daal::algorithms;
using namespace daal::data_management;
using namespace std;

/* Input data set parameters */
string datasetFileName = "../data/batch/sorting.csv";

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    checkArguments(argc, argv, 1, &datasetFileName);

    /* Initialize FileDataSource<CSVFeatureManager> to retrieve the input data from a .csv file */
    FileDataSource<CSVFeatureManager> dataSource(datasetFileName, DataSource::doAllocateNumericTable, DataSource::doDictionaryFromContext);

    /* Retrieve the data from the input file */

    /* Create algorithm objects to sort data using the default (radix) method */
    sorting::Batch<> algorithm;

    /* Print the input observations matrix */
    printNumericTable(dataSource.getNumericTable(), "Initial matrix of observations:");

    /* Set input objects for the algorithm */
    algorithm.input.set(sorting::data, dataSource.getNumericTable());

    /* Sort data observations */

    /* Get the sorting result */
    services::SharedPtr<sorting::Result> res = algorithm.getResult();

    printNumericTable(res->get(sorting::sortedData), "Sorted matrix of observations:");

    return 0;

Useful Link
