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OOP344 20131 - iCODE

Revision as of 23:54, 12 February 2013 by Yue Heng Wong (talk | contribs) (Style Guide for iCODE)

iCODE Team Page

team name: iCODE

nickname 1: CallaQ

name 1: Haiyu

surname 1: Qiao

seneca username 1: hqiao3

github id 1: haiyuqiao

nickname 2: Garycc

name 2: Chun

surname 2: Chen

seneca username 2: cchen116

github id 2: Garycc

nickname 3: Brian

name 3: Yue Heng

surname 3: Wong

seneca username 3: yhwong6

github id 3: yhwong

nickname 4: Jay

name 4: Jie Ming

surname 4: Feng

seneca username 4: jmfeng1

github id 4: jayfeng

number of team members: 4


  • Indentations are to be in spaces of 4
  • blocks are to be coded as follows:
    • the beginning bracket must go with the statement
    • the ending bracket is standalone
  • Variables and class names are to be in camel case. Variable names should beign with a lowercase letter and class names should begin with an uppercase letter.