OOP344 - HOTYS IRC Logs - 071810 - 20102

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This is the log for Sunday July 18 2010

Session Start: Sun Jul 18 11:25:02 2010
Session Ident: #seneca-HOTYS
->03[11:25] * Now talking in #seneca-HOTYS
->03[11:25] * anthony.freenode.net sets mode: +ns
->03[11:29] * OzZy_M changes topic to '---> Meeting Will Start @ 12 - 12:30*'
->03[11:47] * slaw12 (~chatzilla@CPE00173fedf769-CM001868e9fa14.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #seneca-HOTYS
->03[11:48] * _YJ (~chatzilla@CPE0022b0d1b62a-CM001692fb1c3c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #seneca-HOTYS
[11:56] <_YJ> Hello !
[11:56] <slaw12> mornin!
->01[11:58] <@OzZy_M> Hello
->01[11:59] <@OzZy_M> Sorry I was making breakfast
[11:59] <slaw12> what's for breakfast? :P
->03[11:59] * TonyKim (~tony_core@CPE60fb42f3cf3a-CM000a73655cdb.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #seneca-HOTYS
->01[11:59] <@OzZy_M> steak and eggs
[11:59] <TonyKim> Hello!
->01[11:59] <@OzZy_M> :)
->01[11:59] <@OzZy_M> sup tony
[11:59] <slaw12> hi tony
[11:59] <TonyKim> What'up Ozzyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?
->01[12:00] <@OzZy_M> high again tony? :D
[12:00] <_YJ> LOL
[12:00] <TonyKim> lol
[12:00] <_YJ> are you okay tony ?
[12:00] <_YJ> lol
[12:00] <TonyKim> Yup
->01[12:01] <@OzZy_M> nivr
->01[12:01] <@OzZy_M> nice
->01[12:01] <@OzZy_M> i sense productive day
->01[12:01] <@OzZy_M> lol
[12:02] <_YJ> shall we start the meeting ?
->01[12:02] <@OzZy_M> Han will not be showing up today
->01[12:02] <@OzZy_M> so we should start
[12:02] <_YJ> go ahead Ozzy :-)
[12:02] <_YJ> please lead us
->01[12:02] <@OzZy_M> ok
[12:02] <_YJ> kkkk
[12:02] <slaw12> yup let's do it!
->01[12:02] <@OzZy_M> lol
->01[12:02] <@OzZy_M> sorry i was stuffing my mouth :P
->01[12:02] <@OzZy_M> anyways
->01[12:03] <@OzZy_M> we have this project to do
->01[12:03] <@OzZy_M> so
->01[12:03] <@OzZy_M> the first order of business
->01[12:03] <@OzZy_M> is to establish our lighthouse account
->01[12:03] <@OzZy_M> which I started
->01[12:03] <@OzZy_M> I sent out invites
->01[12:03] <@OzZy_M> everyone signed up?
[12:03] <slaw12> yes
[12:03] <_YJ> seem everyone accepted your invite
->01[12:03] <@OzZy_M> I created the project site
->01[12:04] <@OzZy_M> so
->01[12:04] <@OzZy_M> I suggest we try and familiarize ourselves with it
->01[12:04] <@OzZy_M> Tony
->01[12:04] <@OzZy_M> you were not there for the metting with catherine
[12:04] <TonyKim> I did.
->01[12:04] <@OzZy_M> I believe I filled you in though right?
[12:04] <_YJ> tony signed up for lighthouse
[12:04] <TonyKim> I was reading the IRC log. :)
->01[12:04] <@OzZy_M> awesome
->01[12:04] <@OzZy_M> ok
->01[12:04] <@OzZy_M> so
->01[12:04] <@OzZy_M> now
->01[12:04] <@OzZy_M> lets talk about the project
->01[12:05] <@OzZy_M> first
->01[12:05] <@OzZy_M> we need to split up the work
->01[12:05] <@OzZy_M> I was thinking
->01[12:05] <@OzZy_M> to put the functions in an order
->01[12:05] <@OzZy_M> whatever the order maybe
[12:05] <_YJ> I want to do ioedit  and iovedit !!
[12:05] <_YJ> kk
->01[12:05] <@OzZy_M> then work top down
->01[12:05] <@OzZy_M> as opposed
[12:05] <slaw12> i want iolabel
->01[12:06] <@OzZy_M> ok
->01[12:06] <@OzZy_M> how many mandatory ones are there?
[12:06] <TonyKim> I want IOForm? maybe?
->01[12:06] <@OzZy_M> 7?
[12:06] <_YJ> and tony wants 7
[12:06] <_YJ> wait
[12:06] <slaw12> 5
[12:06] <_YJ> sorry ignore above
[12:06] <_YJ> there are 7 classes
[12:06] <_YJ> since ioedit/iovedit both are kind of related to each other
[12:07] <_YJ> I can take both
->01[12:07] <@OzZy_M> ok
[12:07] <_YJ> and on other person can take two classes
->01[12:07] <@OzZy_M> first
->01[12:07] <@OzZy_M> Yujin
[12:07] <_YJ> okay
->01[12:07] <@OzZy_M> explain what those classes do
->01[12:07] <@OzZy_M> we should explain each while we're all there
->01[12:07] <@OzZy_M> here*
->01[12:07] <@OzZy_M> incase more questions pop up
[12:07] <_YJ> lol (I'm nervous) okay I will try
->01[12:07] <@OzZy_M> lol
->01[12:07] <@OzZy_M> it's ok
->01[12:07] <@OzZy_M> we're all friends here
[12:08] <_YJ> IOEdit is responsible for running iof_edit function
[12:08] <_YJ> it will receive info such as str, row, col and so on
[12:08] <_YJ> and call iof_edit accordingly
->01[12:09] <@OzZy_M> you siad
[12:09] <_YJ> it checks various other conditions and those need to be implemented correctly
->01[12:09] <@OzZy_M> there were two you were doing
->01[12:09] <@OzZy_M> that were related?
[12:09] <_YJ> yes and then IOVedit is
[12:10] <_YJ> IOVEdit is same as IOVEdit except that i offers two special services
[12:10] <_YJ> which are
[12:10] <_YJ> 1. supporting help messages 2. supporting data validation
->01[12:10] <@OzZy_M> ok
->01[12:11] <@OzZy_M> can you explain a little more on those 2 extra services
[12:11] <_YJ> and of course IOVEdit inherit IOEdit class
->01[12:11] <@OzZy_M> where do the extra services fall in the big picture
[12:12] <_YJ> I'm trying to find description of help function and validation function
[12:12] <TonyKim> Inherit IOEdit class to a Validated line editor class called IOVEdit.
->01[12:12] <@OzZy_M> so
[12:12] <TonyKim> IOVEdit
->01[12:12] <@OzZy_M> they are separate functions?
->01[12:12] <@OzZy_M> so
->01[12:13] <@OzZy_M> altogether, Yujin, how many functions are you proposing to write?
[12:13] <_YJ> I have no idea where those two functions came from
[12:13] <_YJ> I'm going to write
[12:13] <_YJ> 13 functions
->01[12:13] <@OzZy_M> ok
->01[12:13] <@OzZy_M> so I'm assuming
->01[12:13] <@OzZy_M> the ones you picked
->01[12:13] <@OzZy_M> are the most time consuming?
[12:14] <_YJ> no I don't think so
->01[12:14] <@OzZy_M> ok
[12:14] <_YJ> the reason is that
[12:14] <_YJ> 5 of them is constructor and destructor
[12:14] <_YJ> which are easy
[12:14] <_YJ> and
->01[12:14] <@OzZy_M> wow
->01[12:14] <@OzZy_M> I'm sorry
->01[12:15] <@OzZy_M> Instead of function
->01[12:15] <@OzZy_M> I meant to say CLASSES
->01[12:15] <@OzZy_M> sorry
[12:15] <_YJ> and 4 of them is simply retrieving data memebr
->01[12:15] <@OzZy_M> you're doing 2 CLASSES right?
[12:15] <_YJ> LOL
[12:15] <_YJ> YES
[12:15] <_YJ> just two
[12:15] <_YJ> LOL
[12:15] <_YJ> we have only 7 classes to do
->01[12:15] <@OzZy_M> aweseom
->01[12:15] <@OzZy_M> and you are doing IOEdit and IOVedit?
[12:15] <_YJ> yes
->01[12:16] <@OzZy_M> and Stephanie?
[12:16] <slaw12> i want to do iolabel
[12:16] <TonyKim> I'm doing "IOForm".
->01[12:16] <@OzZy_M> awesome
->01[12:17] <@OzZy_M> want to explain what iolabel does?
->01[12:17] <@OzZy_M> wait
->01[12:17] <@OzZy_M> are not some of these classes children of others?
[12:17] <slaw12> yes
->01[12:18] <@OzZy_M> then we should be writing the parents first
[12:18] <TonyKim> Yes
[12:18] <slaw12> there's a hierarchy shown in the assignment description
->01[12:18] <@OzZy_M> which are the base classes?
[12:18] <TonyKim> IOFrame
->01[12:18] <@OzZy_M> no
->01[12:18] <@OzZy_M> doesn't the inheritance go more than one level?
[12:18] <_YJ> http://zenit.senecac.on.ca/wiki/index.php/OOP344_20102_TextEdit#Class_Hierarchy
[12:19] <_YJ> follow this link
[12:19] <_YJ> IOFrame is the most base class
->01[12:19] <@OzZy_M> most baserist?
->01[12:19] <@OzZy_M> anyways
->01[12:19] <@OzZy_M> so Yujin has the edit line
->01[12:19] <@OzZy_M> TonyKim you said textedit?
[12:20] <TonyKim> IOFrame : ?
[12:20] <TonyKim> IOField : ?
[12:20] <TonyKim> IOLabel : Stephanie
[12:20] <TonyKim> IOEdit,IOVEdit : Yujin
[12:20] <TonyKim> IOForm : Tony
[12:20] <TonyKim> IOTextEdit : ?
->01[12:20] <@OzZy_M> ok
->01[12:20] <@OzZy_M> i'll start with IOField
->01[12:20] <@OzZy_M> so
[12:20] <TonyKim> IOFrame : Han
->01[12:20] <@OzZy_M> sounds good
->01[12:20] <@OzZy_M> now
->01[12:20] <@OzZy_M> we have how long to get this prj done?
->01[12:20] <@OzZy_M> < 4 weeks?
[12:21] <TonyKim> Yup
[12:21] <_YJ> IOTextEdit looks short and easy at the first sight
[12:21] <_YJ> haha
[12:21] <_YJ> I think so
[12:21] <_YJ> but we need to finish early enough
[12:21] <_YJ> let's get it done in 3 weeks
[12:21] <_YJ> let's try to :-)
[12:21] <slaw12> ok, let's aim for 3 weeks
->01[12:22] <@OzZy_M> ya
[12:22] <slaw12> it gives us a buffer just in case we need it. :)
[12:22] <TonyKim> Ya
->01[12:22] <@OzZy_M> we need ample time for testing
->01[12:22] <@OzZy_M> so
->01[12:22] <@OzZy_M> there are 5 of us right?
->01[12:22] <@OzZy_M> so
->01[12:22] <@OzZy_M> if we each get 1 class done in a week
->01[12:23] <@OzZy_M> that should leave us a lot of time to put everything together and test
->01[12:23] <@OzZy_M> so
->01[12:23] <@OzZy_M> by next sunday
->01[12:24] <@OzZy_M> is it good to assume we will have each had one function completed?
[12:24] <_YJ> you mean
[12:24] <_YJ> one class done ?
->01[12:24] <@OzZy_M> >_<
->01[12:24] <@OzZy_M> yes
->01[12:24] <@OzZy_M> some of these are not hard
->01[12:25] <@OzZy_M> the question is
->01[12:25] <@OzZy_M> can we create all these child classes without first doing the parent classes?
[12:25] <slaw12> that 's what i was wondering
[12:26] <TonyKim> Depending on it.
[12:26] <TonyKim> That's why it is a parent class.
->01[12:26] <@OzZy_M> hmmm
[12:26] <_YJ> each of us can try to finish their classes for one week
->01[12:26] <@OzZy_M> that makes sense
[12:26] <slaw12> so we can't test the classes on their own
->01[12:26] <@OzZy_M> Well
->01[12:26] <@OzZy_M> ya
[12:26] <_YJ> and when we have meeting on sunday
->01[12:26] <@OzZy_M> sounds good
->01[12:26] <@OzZy_M> but
[12:26] <_YJ> then we can test our code
->01[12:26] <@OzZy_M> aside from OOP344
->01[12:27] <@OzZy_M> what other classes do you guys have work for?
[12:27] <_YJ> hmm just INT assignment
->01[12:27] <@OzZy_M> I got DBS/INT assignments/labs to do
[12:27] <_YJ> and EAC150 research work
[12:27] <slaw12> eac
->01[12:27] <@OzZy_M> and my elective research
[12:28] <TonyKim> EAC150 research/DBS labs and assignment
[12:28] <slaw12> damnit, it's suddenly getting busy. :P
->01[12:28] <@OzZy_M> damn
->01[12:28] <@OzZy_M> ok
[12:28] <_YJ> getting busier is better !
[12:28] <_YJ> let's enjoy if we cannot avoid
[12:28] <_YJ> haha
->01[12:28] <@OzZy_M> so
[12:28] <slaw12> lol
->01[12:28] <@OzZy_M> sorry
->01[12:28] <@OzZy_M> gimme 1 second
[12:29] <_YJ> http://zenit.senecac.on.ca/wiki/index.php/OOP344_20102_TextEdit
[12:29] <_YJ> this is the link to the page that you guys can see task distribution
[12:29] <TonyKim> The class IOFrame looks simple. Most functions are virtual.
->01[12:29] <@OzZy_M> I'm not worried about IOFrame
->01[12:29] <@OzZy_M> so
->01[12:29] <@OzZy_M> Thursday
[12:29] <TonyKim> I suppose that we can program our classe without it.
->01[12:29] <@OzZy_M> after class
[12:30] <TonyKim> ok
->01[12:30] <@OzZy_M> are we all able to get together for maybe 15-30 mins
->01[12:30] <@OzZy_M> to go over what each of us have done so far?
->01[12:30] <@OzZy_M> we need to be in a state of high communication
->01[12:30] <@OzZy_M> we can't just take our pieces and seclude ourselves and work
[12:31] <slaw12> sounds good
[12:31] <TonyKim> ok
[12:31] <_YJ> sound very good ozzy
->01[12:31] <@OzZy_M> ok
->01[12:31] <@OzZy_M> and han has no choice :P
->01[12:31] <@OzZy_M> lol
[12:31] <_YJ> so thursday after OOP344 class ?
->01[12:31] <@OzZy_M> yes
->01[12:31] <@OzZy_M> I would like wednesday
[12:31] <_YJ> oh no problem
->01[12:31] <@OzZy_M> but I have my elective after class
->01[12:32] <@OzZy_M> but I'm free after
[12:32] <TonyKim> I have EAC150 after the OOP class.
->01[12:32] <@OzZy_M> thursday?
[12:32] <TonyKim> on Wednesday
->01[12:32] <@OzZy_M> oh
->01[12:32] <@OzZy_M> ya
[12:32] <_YJ> who is not available on thursday after OOP344 ?
->01[12:32] <@OzZy_M> I think we're all good thursday
->01[12:32] <@OzZy_M> regardless
->01[12:33] <@OzZy_M> I just want to meet more than once a week so we're all on the same page.
->01[12:33] <@OzZy_M> so
->01[12:33] <@OzZy_M> at this point
->01[12:33] <@OzZy_M> does anyone see any problems
->01[12:33] <@OzZy_M> in regard to writing their classes?
->01[12:33] <@OzZy_M> or anything else?
->01[12:33] <@OzZy_M> anything
[12:34] <TonyKim> Well... I don't know yet.
[12:34] <slaw12> no not right now
->01[12:34] <@OzZy_M> I know in a few weeks I'm going to be SUPER busy getting ready for exams
->01[12:34] <@OzZy_M> so
[12:34] <_YJ> me too
->01[12:34] <@OzZy_M> the faster we do this
->01[12:34] <@OzZy_M> the better
[12:34] <_YJ> yes.
[12:34] <slaw12> agreed
->01[12:34] <@OzZy_M> because testing takes a while
[12:34] <_YJ> yes
[12:34] <_YJ> so thursday after OOP344 for sure ?
->01[12:34] <@OzZy_M> while on the subject of testing
->01[12:34] <@OzZy_M> yes
[12:34] <_YJ> okay I will put that on my scheduler
->01[12:35] <@OzZy_M> when creating your programs
->01[12:35] <@OzZy_M> try and keep a track of ways to test your program
->01[12:35] <@OzZy_M> obviously
->01[12:35] <@OzZy_M> do not create extra programs if you can help it
->01[12:35] <@OzZy_M> just try and get the class done in a compilable state
[12:35] <TonyKim> ok
->01[12:35] <@OzZy_M> and then we'll create testing programs
->01[12:35] <@OzZy_M> btw TonyKim
->01[12:36] <@OzZy_M> How do you feel about that Tester position we were talking about?
->01[12:36] <@OzZy_M> creating test programs to test our code
[12:37] <TonyKim> Creating test programs? That's it or Do I post the problems to the lighthouse?
->01[12:38] <@OzZy_M> well
->01[12:38] <@OzZy_M> first
->01[12:38] <@OzZy_M> does everyone like that idea (the one catherine suggested) about having one person dedicated to testing code?
->01[12:38] <@OzZy_M> I mean
->01[12:38] <@OzZy_M> at this point
->01[12:38] <@OzZy_M> It doesn't make sense
->01[12:38] <@OzZy_M> but later
->01[12:38] <@OzZy_M> It might
[12:39] <TonyKim> We need a test program as Fardad did?
->01[12:39] <@OzZy_M> no
->01[12:39] <@OzZy_M> we need to make our own methods of testing our code
->01[12:39] <@OzZy_M> Catherine will NOT be releasing test mains and such
->01[12:39] <@OzZy_M> so we have only ourselves to rely upon to make sure everything is done right
->01[12:40] <@OzZy_M> I guess we can talk about that later
[12:40] <_YJ> I thought she will post the test main.
->01[12:40] <@OzZy_M> lol
->01[12:40] <@OzZy_M> no
[12:40] <_YJ> near to the end
->01[12:40] <@OzZy_M> she said in class that she isn't going to be posting any test mains
->01[12:40] <@OzZy_M> I'm pretty sure I heard her say that...
[12:41] <slaw12> i heard that too
->01[12:41] <@OzZy_M> you can ask her
[12:41] <_YJ> OMG
->01[12:41] <@OzZy_M> but I'm pretty sure she said that
[12:41] <slaw12> we have to make up our own :(
[12:41] <_YJ> that is so mean
[12:41] <_YJ> LOL
->01[12:41] <@OzZy_M> lol
->01[12:41] <@OzZy_M> well
->01[12:41] <@OzZy_M> we would have to learn how to test our code SOME time.
->01[12:41] <@OzZy_M> now is the time
[12:41] <_YJ> oh yeah
[12:41] <slaw12> never!
->01[12:41] <@OzZy_M> lol
[12:41] <slaw12> :P
->01[12:41] <@OzZy_M> ok
->01[12:42] <@OzZy_M> remember
->01[12:42] <@OzZy_M> our naming conventions that we all agreed upon
->01[12:42] <@OzZy_M> because if we're inconsistant at all
->01[12:42] <@OzZy_M> I'm sure we will loose marks
[12:42] <TonyKim> ok
->01[12:42] <@OzZy_M> Anything else anybody else would like to discuss or bring up?
[12:43] <_YJ> for now I can't think of anything
[12:43] <_YJ> except
[12:43] <_YJ> that we better make sure to use lighthouse frequently
->01[12:43] <@OzZy_M> yes
[12:43] <_YJ> I posted on message already
[12:43] <_YJ> haha
[12:43] <_YJ> on -> one
[12:44] <_YJ> OH
[12:44] <_YJ> wait a moment
[12:44] <_YJ> we didn't assign the class " IOTextEdit" to somebody
[12:44] <_YJ> we can make han to do it
->01[12:44] <@OzZy_M> there are more classes than people
[12:44] <_YJ> kkk
->01[12:45] <@OzZy_M> we will get to the rest when we get there
[12:45] <_YJ> okay
->01[12:45] <@OzZy_M> just focus on what YOU are supposed to do
[12:45] <_YJ> cool
->01[12:45] <@OzZy_M> let me worry about the rest
[12:45] <_YJ> so .. our meeting done ?
->01[12:45] <@OzZy_M> pretty much
->01[12:45] <@OzZy_M> so
->01[12:45] <@OzZy_M> Aside from group meetings
->01[12:46] <@OzZy_M> EVERYTHING should be posted to lighthouse
->01[12:46] <@OzZy_M> do not use email for anything related to the project
[12:46] <TonyKim> ok
[12:46] <slaw12> ok
->01[12:46] <@OzZy_M> Ok
->01[12:46] <@OzZy_M> So
->01[12:46] <@OzZy_M> I'm going to be online for the rest of the day
[12:47] <_YJ> and it might be good idea to subscribe lighthouse
->01[12:47] <@OzZy_M> I'll probably work on my INT/DBS assignments first then on OOP344
->01[12:47] <@OzZy_M> What do you mean _YJ?
[12:47] <_YJ> you get e-mail alerts whenever there are new posts on lighthouse
->01[12:47] <@OzZy_M> where do you set that?
[12:48] <_YJ> click on your ID
[12:48] <_YJ> it will lead u to profile page
[12:48] <_YJ> click edit profile
[12:49] <_YJ> and one of options is E-mail preferences
->01[12:49] <@OzZy_M> I don't think that emails you if NEW tickets are posted
->01[12:49] <@OzZy_M> only those you are watching
->01[12:49] <@OzZy_M> but
->01[12:49] <@OzZy_M> it still works I guess
[12:50] <_YJ> :-)
->01[12:50] <@OzZy_M> Ok
[12:50] <_YJ> then have a nice day everybody
->01[12:50] <@OzZy_M> I'll be on the rest of the day
[12:50] <slaw12> isn't that under my subcriptions
->01[12:50] <@OzZy_M> If you need me holler
[12:50] <_YJ> maybe you are right steph
->01[12:50] <@OzZy_M> awesome
[12:50] <slaw12> select the project and it will notify of all new tickets and messages
->01[12:51] <@OzZy_M> good find!
->01[12:51] <@OzZy_M> Alright I'm going to post this log to the site
[12:51] <TonyKim> good!
[12:51] <slaw12> aight