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OOP344-Jason Quan C/C++ Programs & notes-20102

Revision as of 23:11, 20 June 2010 by Jquan4 (talk | contribs) (added dec to binary using bitwise operator to my notes page)

pointer to functions

A pointer can be used to point to anything. Therefore you can also use it to point to a function, here’s an simple c program that uses pointer to function:

void windows(char,int);
void mac(char,int);
int main(void) {
  void (*platform)(char,int); /* this a declaration of a function pointer with 
a argument of char and int*/
  char name[30];
  int option;
  printf("Please enter your name: ");
  scanf("%s", &name);
  printf("Which platform 1.Windows, 2.Mac:");
  scanf("%d", &option);
  platform = (option < 2) ? windows : mac; /* this line assign where the 
platform pointer should point to.*/  
  (option > 2||option<1) && printf("error: pick 1 or 2\n"); /*Lazy Evaculation*/
  platform(name , option);
  return 0;
void windows(char* str,int n) {
  printf("%s you've choosen option %d, you are a Windows user.\n",str,n);
void mac(char* str,int m) {
  printf(" %s you've chosen Option %d, you are Mac user.\n",str, m);

In this program two functions are declared: void Windows(char *str,int n) and void Mac(char *str ,int m) they both return void. But the output a line. Within the main() a void pointer call platform is declared with two arugments( char, int) which are values types that will be pasted to the corrsponding functions which is determine by this line : platform = (option < 2) ? windows : mac;

If the user chooses option 1 platform will be set to point to the windows function else Mac fun ction otherwise. To call the function, you would call it using the pointer platform by use a line: platform(name , option); this line will call the function.

decimal to binary with bitwise operators

here's a example of dec to binary using bitwise operator

#include <stdio.h>

void binary(int v, int mask){

for(mask;mask>0;mask = mask >>1){

printf(“%d”,!!(v & mask));  /*prints 1 or  0, since bitwise operator “&”  means: 1 & 1= 1 anything else =0.*/



int main(){

int a;

int m;



m=a>32? 1024:32;



return 0;


the Mask: The length of the mask can be determine by an simple intger for example 30= 100000 64 =1000000 1024= 10000000000

The number: the number is an plain integer number. But when used with an bitwise operator it become a binary number such as: 1 & mask 1= 000001 mask= 100000 Therefore in the loop shifts the mask right 1 to determine if the position contains 1 or 0. If zero output prints zero else one.