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(1- Setup the postgresql-connection)
(1- Setup the postgresql-connection)
Line 75: Line 75:
create table test.Account(
create table test.Account(
     id binary(16) not null, contactId binary(16) not null, account Type varchar(16) character set utf8 not null, funds double null,
     id binary(16) not null, contactId binary(16) not null, account Type varchar(16) character set utf8 not null, funds double null,
     constraint Account_PK primary key(id));
     constraint Account_PK primary key(id)

Revision as of 13:15, 2 December 2010

PostgreSQL Adapter for NexJ - Create Test Environment

1- Setup the postgresql-connection

For testing the connection, the 'PostgreSQLAdapterTest.java' is being used.

  • TODOs
  • Files to configure based on PostgreSQL properties
PostgreSQLAdapter.java // Extends SQLAdapter.java - SQL Persistence adapter, responsible for regular data queries (insert, select, delete)
PostgreSQLSchemaManager.java // Extends SQLSchemaManager.java - class for reading, creating and upgrading the database schema
DatabaseTool.java // This file calles SQLSchemaMangerFactory.java and creates the connection
RelationalDatabase.java // Sets the default properties for the supported drivers
RelationalDatabaseFragment.java // Sets the custom fragment properties for the supported drivers
Driver type and some other properties in JDBCInfo.java
SQLSchemaManagerFactory.java // Sets the connection for the particular adapter type
PostgreSQLAdapterTest.java // Extends SQLAdapterTest.java
PostgreSQLSchemaManagerTest.java // Extends SQLSchemaManagerTest.java
default.config // System resources are being extracted from these 4 XML files
Script - scripts are being processed through SQLDataTest.java
TO be cond'
Installed the JDBC3 Postgresql Driver, Version 9.0-801 and added it to the libraries in JDK
The driver class which is being used for NexJ Express Model is: org.postgresql.xa.PGXADataSource
The driver is loaded from RelationalDatabaseFragment.java and RelationalDatabase.java
Metadata is loaded from the particular driver
   /* MySQLAdapterTest.java */
         s_metadata = loadMetadata(ADAPTER_NAME);

   /* SQLDataTest.java */
   protected static Metadata loadMetadata(String sAdapter)
      Properties props = SysUtil.getConfigProperties();  // sets DEFAULT_CONFIG_URL = '/' + NAMESPACE + "/default.config"
      props = new Properties(props);
      props.setProperty(XMLMetadataLoader.CONNECTIONS_URL_PROPERTY, "/nexj/" + sAdapter.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + ".connections");  // sets the properties to postgresql.connection
After all properties are loaded, it creates the connection through Connection Factory files.
When a connection is first established, this initial SQL statement should execute in MySQL, which is not the case for PostgreSQL, so it was commented out:
/* MySQLAdapter.java */

public String getInitialSQL()
      StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();

      buf.append("set sql_mode = concat(@@sql_mode, ',ANSI_QUOTES')"); // allow using doublequote when quoting column names in "CREATE TABLE" statements
      buf.append(";set optimizer_search_depth = 0"); // let DB automatically decide on how long it takes to examine plans, improves long planning sessions
      buf.append(";set max_sort_length = ").append(Math.max(MAX_VARCHAR_PRECISION, MAX_VARBINARY_PRECISION)); // set TEXT/BLOB minimum sorting length to be same as cutoff between varchar/text
      return buf.toString();
Also the same line should be commented out in postgresql_create.sql script, which is being used to create tables in the database 'test':
/* nexj/core/persistence/sql/etc/postgresql_create.sql */
set sql_mode = concat(@@sql_mode, ',ANSI_QUOTES');
After activating the connection, the database is locked.
In MySQL, the storage engine is set to a transactional safe engine such as InnoDB, whereas PostgreSQL has a single built in engine. So, changes needed to be done to this script:
create table test.Account(
    id binary(16) not null, contactId binary(16) not null, account Type varchar(16) character set utf8 not null, funds double null,
    constraint Account_PK primary key(id)

2- Create a PostgreSQL database through some scripts

Through the process in postgresql_setup.sql, the database was created, initialized and tested:
A database called 'test is created in PostgreSQL : CREATE DATABASE test
To create a user along with password: CREATE USER test WITH PASSWORD 'test';
Login to the database 'test' with username 'test': psql -U test test
Create a Schema called 'test' inside the database 'test' with particular owner 'test': CREATE SCHEMA test AUTHORIZATION test;
Create a table called 'Mutex' with primary key: CREATE TABLE test.Mutex(id INT PRIMARY KEY);
Insert a value into the primary key: INSERT INTO test.Mutex(id) VALUES (1);