Difference between revisions of "NexJ Express Connecting to PostgreSQL"

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(2- Create a PostgreSQL database through some scripts)
(- Modifications)
Line 63: Line 63:
     id binary(16) not null, contactId binary(16) not null, account Type varchar(16) character set utf8 not null, funds double null,
     id binary(16) not null, contactId binary(16) not null, account Type varchar(16) character set utf8 not null, funds double null,
     constraint Account_PK primary key(id)
     constraint Account_PK primary key(id)

Revision as of 21:26, 9 December 2010

PostgreSQL Adapter for NexJ - Create Test Environment

1- Setup the postgresql-connection

For testing the connection, the 'PostgreSQLAdapterTest.java' is being used.


- Files to Modify

- STEPS for Connection

Installed the JDBC3 Postgresql Driver, Version 9.0-801 and added it to the libraries in JDK
The driver class which is being used for NexJ Express Model is: org.postgresql.xa.PGXADataSource
The driver is loaded from RelationalDatabaseFragment.java and RelationalDatabase.java
Metadata is loaded from the particular driver
   /* MySQLAdapterTest.java */
         s_metadata = loadMetadata(ADAPTER_NAME);

   /* SQLDataTest.java */
   protected static Metadata loadMetadata(String sAdapter)
      Properties props = SysUtil.getConfigProperties();  // sets DEFAULT_CONFIG_URL = '/' + NAMESPACE + "/default.config"
      props = new Properties(props);
      props.setProperty(XMLMetadataLoader.CONNECTIONS_URL_PROPERTY, "/nexj/" + sAdapter.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + ".connections");  // sets the properties to postgresql.connection
After all properties are loaded, it creates the connection through Connection Factory files.

- Modifications

2- Create a PostgreSQL database through some scripts

Through the process in postgresql_setup.sql, the database was created, initialized and tested:
A database called 'test is created in PostgreSQL : CREATE DATABASE test
To create a user along with password: CREATE USER test WITH PASSWORD 'test';
Login to the database 'test' with username 'test': psql -U test test
Create a Schema called 'test' inside the database 'test' with particular owner 'test': CREATE SCHEMA test AUTHORIZATION test;
Create a table called 'Mutex' with primary key: CREATE TABLE test.Mutex(id INT PRIMARY KEY);
Insert a value into the primary key: INSERT INTO test.Mutex(id) VALUES (1);