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This is a user guide for using the IRCC Hyperkitty web forum.


IRCC forum uses Mozilla Persona service to handle logins. It is a very straightforward cross website login/registration system using your email address.

1. Go to

2. Click on Login located on the top right corner of the page

3. Click on Login by email

4. You will see a popup window saying "Sign in to with…". Type in your email address and press next

Please use the email address you provided to Chris Tyler

5a. If you don't have a Mozilla Persona account, it will ask you to create a password and send you a confirmation email.

5b. If you are using Yahoo or Gmail email address to log in, it will redirect you to Yahoo or Google login page and ask for permissions. Click Allow to continue.

6. If you are a valid IRCC member on our whitelist, you should be able to login with your email address without any problem.

Forum usage

Start a new thread

Please refresh the page to see your post after submitted your post. Posting will take a few seconds to process.

To Start a new thread, simply click on one of the forums and click on Start a new thread


Send an email with a proper subject and body to <forum-name>

Reply to a thread

Please refresh the page to see your post after submitted your post. Posting will take a few seconds to process.

To reply a certain thread, click on one of the posts and click on Reply. Type in the message and press the Send button


Reply the email with a proper subject (beginning with Re:) and body, and CC. to <forum-name>

Manage forum subscriptions

To manage subscriptions and mail delivery, click on Manage the list or go to:

1. Click on Login located on the top right corner of the page

2. Click on blue button with a label of Sign in

3. You will see a popup window saying "Sign in to with…". Type in your email address and press next

4a. If you don't have a Mozilla Persona account, it will ask you to create a password and send you a confirmation email.

4b. If you are using Yahoo or Gmail email address to log in, it will redirect you to Yahoo or Google login page and ask for permissions. Click Allow to continue.

5. If you are a valid IRCC member on our whitelist, you should be able to login with your email address without any problem.

6. Click on one of the lists and you will be able to subscribe or unsubscribe any list.

More coming...