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5,904 bytes added, 15:50, 21 February 2018
Idea 2 - LZW Compression
==== Idea 2 - LZW Compression ====
BACKGROUND:(Paraphrased from "LZW compression " at compression is a compression algorithm that creates a dictionary of tokens from collections of characters. These tokens correspond to different patterns of bit values. Unique tokens are generated from the longest possible series of characters that recur in sequence any time later in a body of text. These patterns of bits that correspond to string tokens are written to an output file. Since commonly recurring sequences of words are registered to the dictionary as smaller (perhaps 12 bit) tokens, the corresponding dictionary bit code comes to represent a series of characters that would otherwise be longer than 12 bits. This is what facilitates the compression. ************************************************ CODE: The following code is an example program that performs Compression and Decompression of text files using a LZW algorithm that encodes to 12 bit values. This is algorithm was provided with a link as a potential project through the group projects page, but here it is again: The body of code for the algorithm isas follows: -------------  // Compile with gcc 4.7.2 or later, using the following command line://// g++ -std=c++0x lzw.c -o lzw////LZW algorithm implemented using fixed 12 bit codes. #include <iostream>#include <sstream>#include <fstream> #include <bitset>#include <string>#include <unordered_map> #define MAX_DEF 4096 using namespace std; string convert_int_to_bin(int number){ string result = bitset<12>(number).to_string(); return result;} void compress(string input, int size, string filename) { unordered_map<string, int> compress_dictionary(MAX_DEF); //Dictionary initializing with ASCII for ( int unsigned i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i++ ){ compress_dictionary[string(1,i)] = i; } string current_string; unsigned int code; unsigned int next_code = 256; //Output file for compressed data ofstream outputFile; + ".lzw");  for(char& c: input){ current_string = current_string + c; if ( compress_dictionary.find(current_string) ==compress_dictionary.end() ){ if (next_code <= MAX_DEF) compress_dictionary.insert(make_pair(current_string, next_code++)); current_string.erase(current_string.size()-1); outputFile << convert_int_to_bin(compress_dictionary[current_string]); current_string = c; } } if (current_string.size()) outputFile << convert_int_to_bin(compress_dictionary[current_string]); outputFile.close();}   void decompress(string input, int size, string filename) { unordered_map<unsigned int, string> dictionary(MAX_DEF); //Dictionary initializing with ASCII for ( int unsigned i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i++ ){ dictionary[i] = string(1,i); } string previous_string; unsigned int code; unsigned int next_code = 256; //Output file for decompressed data ofstream outputFile; + "_uncompressed.txt");  int i =0; while (i<size){ //Extracting 12 bits and converting binary to decimal string subinput = input.substr(i,12); bitset<12> binary(subinput); code = binary.to_ullong(); i+=12;  if ( dictionary.find(code) ==dictionary.end() ) dictionary.insert(make_pair(code,(previous_string + previous_string.substr(0,1)))); outputFile<<dictionary[code]; if ( previous_string.size()) dictionary.insert(make_pair(next_code++,previous_string + dictionary[code][0])); previous_string = dictionary[code]; } outputFile.close();} string convert_char_to_string(const char *pCh, int arraySize){ string str; if (pCh[arraySize-1] == '\0') str.append(pCh); else for(int i=0; i<arraySize; i++) str.append(1,pCh[i]); return str;} static void show_usage(){ cerr << "Usage: \n" << "Specify the file that needs to be compressed or decompressed\n" <<"lzw -c input #compress file input\n" <<"lzw -d input #decompress file input\n" <<"Compressed data will be found in a file with the same name but with a .lzw extension\n" <<"Decompressed data can be found in a file with the same name and a _uncompressed.txt extension\n" << endl;}  int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { streampos size; char * memblock;  if (argc <2) { show_usage(); return(1); } ifstream file (argv[2], ios::in|ios::binary|ios::ate); if (file.is_open()) { size = file.tellg(); memblock = new char[size]; file.seekg (0, ios::beg); (memblock, size); file.close(); string input = convert_char_to_string(memblock,size); if (string( "-c" ) == argv[1] ) compress(input,size, argv[2]); else if (string( "-d" ) == argv[1] ) decompress(input,size, argv[2]); else show_usage(); } else { cout << "Unable to open file."<<endl; show_usage(); } return 0;}-------------------------  PROFILING: The above program needs an input file to compress and decompress text in. For the purposes of testing, the Gutenberg press' complete works of Shakespeare was used as an input text file ( because it represents a large enough body of text to actually have perceptible run times for compression. The text inside the file may have to be duplicated several times later to provide a reasonable data size if we proceed to optimize the compression algorithm for execution on a gpu for it to create perceptible run times.
==== Idea 3 - (insert topic) ====
=== Assignment 2 ===
=== Assignment 3 ===

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