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GPU621/DPS921 Could 4U

Revision as of 12:55, 8 December 2016 by Hxu86 (talk | contribs) (Map and Reduce Library on GAE)

Cloud 4U

Group Members

  1. Hualiang Xu, Everything.


What is Google App Engine

Google App Engine is a platform for building scalable web applications and mobile backends. It has a efficient Map Reduce Library that processes large set of data in map and reduce pattern in parallelism. This project will use this library to process a serious of searching history and produce a recommendation list for user.

Map and Reduce Library on GAE


Start a new project

This link is a completed setup guide by Google. In this project, one more step is to import Map and Reduce Library in java files. Map:; Reduce:;;

Map and Reduce Function