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GAM670 Slap Your Grandma

Manitoba Jones

Project Marking Percentage

Group work:      40%        (25 <= xx <= 50)
Individual work: 60% +      (50 <= xx <= 75) 
Total           100%

Team Members

NameIRC NicknameResponsibilitieslearn ID
Sasha Atijas Sash0400 Advanced Force Feedback satijas
Dan Ventura danman Animation dsventura
Andrei Kopytov akopytov Lighting akopytov


repo path

The Project

The Game

Room for Improvement

  • The game needs collision detection and imported models
  • Further refinement of in game models such as the boulder
  • Improve textures for objects within the game
  • Improve camera movement
  • Refine current, and add more, obstacles(i.e. A wizard appears)

Group Meetings

  • Thursdays at 11:40 am