Fall 2014 Open Source Students

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This is a list of students in the DPS909 and OSD600 courses for fall 2014. Please add your name and info below.


Name IRC Nick Blog Github Account Wiki Page Twitter
David Humphrey humph http://blog.humphd.org humphd User:David.humphrey @humphd
Haiyu Qiao callaq http://hopensources.blogspot.ca/ haiyuqiao User:Haiyu Qiao @HaiyuQiao
Sanghyun Lee SH_Lee http://www.shlee.ca SHLee84 User:slee201 @SH_Lee84
Habib Zahoori habibz http://hzahoori.wordpress.com hzahoori User:hzahoori @h_zahoori
Shuming Lin kevin http://okevin0.wordpress.com/ shuming lin User:Shuming Lin @KevinLin
Linpei Fan Lilyaj http://linpei.blogspot.ca/ lilyfan User:Linpei Fan @LinpeiFan
Gideon Thomas gthomas http://rgideonthomas.wordpress.com/ Gideon Thomas User:Gideon Thomas @rgideonthomas
James Laverty jlaverty http://jlaverty.blogspot.com/ jlaverty User:James Laverty @0neSanctum
Xinggui (Gary) Deng Xgd http://garydengblog.wordpress.com/ GaryDeng User:Xinggui_Deng @GaryDeng2013
Stanley Moote samoote https://brockmoote.wordpress.com Mootinator User:Samoote [N/A]
Elliot Kwan ElliotK http://elliottheguy.wordpress.com/ elliotkwan User:Elliot Kwan [N/A]
Frank Panico fpanico http://frankpanico.wordpress.com/ fpanico User:fpanico @frankooch04
Ava Dacayo avad http://avadac.wordpress.com/ avadacayo User:Ava Marie Dacayo [N/A]]
Glaser King San Lo gklo http://gklo.wordpress.com/ gklo User:Glaser King San Lo @GlaserLo
Jeremy Millar dno yet http://openmillar.wordpress.com/ hoolahoop User:Jeremy Millar @Jeremy Millar
Andrei Artamonov aartamonov1 http://aartamonov1.wordpress.com/ aartamonov1 User:Andrei Artamonov @aartamonov1
Ryan Dang ryandang http://ryandangdeveloper.wordpress.com/ ryandang User:Ryan Dang TBD
Yasmin Benatti N.A http://www.yasminbenatti.org/blog/ https://github.com/yabenatti User:Yasmin Araujo Benatti N.A
Fadi Tawfig Frodi http://fadiprogramming.wordpress.com https://github.com/Ftawfig User:Fadi Atif Tawfig NA
Rafid Daoud rdaoud1 http://rdaoud1.wordpress.com/ rdaoud1 User:Rafid Daoud @rafiddaoud
Kieran Sedgwick ksedgwick http://sedgestuff.wordpress.com/ sedge User:Kieran Sedgwick @theSedgeHammer
Leonid Krizhanovskiy lkrizhanovskiy1 http://lkrizhanovskiy1.wordpress.com/ lkrizhanovskiy1 User:Leonid Krizhanovskiy @jeennikp
Andrew Li lian http://liandrew.ca liandrew User:Andrew Li TBA
Ruslan Yurash ryurash TBA ruslanjur User:Ruslan Yurash TBA