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(Apache Excalibur)
(Apache Excalibur)
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=== Apache Excalibur ===
=== Apache Excalibur ===
  * A facade to the modularized *LoggerManager building system.
  * A facade to the modularized *LoggerManager building system.
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=== Apache Tomcat ===
=== Apache Tomcat ===

Revision as of 16:59, 25 January 2007

Facade Pattern

The Facade Pattern is used to consolidate numerous complicated objects and function calls in a single interface.

UML Example

Code Examples





Open Source Applications

Apache Excalibur

 * A facade to the modularized *LoggerManager building system.
 * Add methods here to create LoggerManagers to your preference.
 * @author <a href="mailto:dev@nospamavalon.apache.org">Avalon Development Team</a>
 * @version CVS $Revision: 1.3 $ $Date: 2004/03/10 13:54:50 $
 * @since 4.0

public class Facade
     * Assemble a new LoggerManager running on top of LogKit
     * configured from a configuration file logging to a supplied
     * logger as a fallback.
     * Use this method as a sample showing how to assemble your
     * own LoggerManager running on top of LogKit flavour.
    public static LoggerManager createLogKitConfigurable(
            final String prefix, final String switchTo )
        final org.apache.log.Hierarchy hierarchy = new Hierarchy();

        final LoggerManager bare = new LogKitAdapter( hierarchy );
        final LoggerManager decorated = applyDecorators( bare, prefix, switchTo );
        final LoggerManagerTee tee = new LoggerManagerTee( decorated );

        tee.addTee( new LogKitLoggerHelper( hierarchy ) );
        tee.addTee( new LogKitConfHelper( hierarchy ) );

        return tee;

     * Assemble LoggerManager for Log4J system configured
     * via a configuration file. All the logging errors
     * will go to System.err however.
    public static LoggerManager createLog4JConfigurable(
            final String prefix, final String switchTo )
        final LoggerManager bare = new Log4JConfAdapter();
        final LoggerManager decorated = applyDecorators( bare, prefix, switchTo );
        return decorated;

    private static LoggerManager applyDecorators( LoggerManager target,
            final String prefix, final String switchTo )
        if ( switchTo != null )
            target = new LogToSelfDecorator( target, switchTo );
        if ( prefix != null && prefix.length() > 0 )
            target = new PrefixDecorator( target, prefix );
        target = new CachingDecorator( target );
        return target;

Apache Tomcat


Wikipedia Entry on Facade Pattern
Excalibur Project Site
Excalibur Facade Class Code (via Google! Code Search)
Tomcat Project Site
Tomcat CoyoteRequestFacade Class Code (via Google! Code Search)
Design Pattern in C# and VB.NET