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Desktop Social Networking Integration

205 bytes added, 23:43, 28 October 2007
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<p><b>Figure 1</b> - Login page for Twitter. Started by clicking the pop-up menu item under the "friends" menu.</p>
[[Image:Coop-twitter-viewMessage-Friends.png]]<p><b>Figure 2</b> - Main page showing my friends in Twitter.with a status message</p>
[[Image:Coop-twitter-messageviewMessage-Friend.png]]<p><b>Figure 3</b> - A selected friend's pane and the message browser page loaded when the "more" button is clickedshowing their corresponding 20 status messages.</p>
* after first successful login during a session when you logout and switch to the facebook session a unsuccessful twitter login occurs.
* logout for twitter
* authentication window prompts twice for facebook
=== Milestone 2 - Release 0.2 ===
#* posted patch to current working release.
# Updated Project Details - Oct 28, 2007
#* updated Figure 2 of release 0.1 with system use case 2: view main page with status of message per friend.
#* updated Figure 3 of release 0.1 with system use case 3: view status messages
#* updated Bugs

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