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DPS909 and OSD600 Fall 2013 Project List

Revision as of 17:49, 12 September 2013 by Maronin (talk | contribs) (Made the project list into a table for easier reading and editing.)

The following list are projects, bugs, and prototypes that the Mozilla community has suggested you work on this term. They entail different types of work, technologies, and skills, and hopefully you'll be able to find one or more that interest you.

Please put your name beside the project(s) you think sound interesting. I've put the names of possible Mozilla mentors in square brackets.

Project Link Mentors Interested Students
HTML Bleaching in JavaScript [jbuck, Pomax] Mohamed Baig, Shavauhn Gabay, Kirill Sochnev, Elsi Nushaj
DOM diff'ing in Thimble [Pomax, jbuck] Elsi Nushaj, Husain Fazal, Alex Craig, Mark Aronin
Updated API for Webmaker Login, User Creation [sedge] Alex Craig
Expanded HealthCheck API for MakeAPI, Login, etc [cade, sedge, jp] Kevin Kofler
Webmaker Events Improvements [cade, mjschranz, cappleton] Kevin Kofler
Webmaker/status page [jbuck, cappleton, ?] Mark Aronin, Alex Craig, Michael Veis
Make Editor Improvements, among others [cade, jacob] Mark Aronin, Husain Fazal
MakeAPI Metrics [cade] Kevin Kofler, Natesh Mayuranathan, Petr Bouianov ,Kirill Sochnev
WebVTT and Track element Polyfill using vtt.js [reyre] Simon de Almeida, Kevin Kofler
Add PhantomJS based tests to vtt.js' TravisCI automated test suite [reyre] Nitin Prakash, Alex Kotliar
More WebVTT spec tests, including things like UTF8, processing model, etc. [reyre] Simon de Almeida,Kirill Sochnev
Webmaker Technical Documentation [Pomax] Michael Veis, Nitin Prakash, Shajinth Pathmakulaseelan
Improve Webmaker local-deploy/dev situation [Pomax, cade, k88hudson] Husain Fazal
Connect Google Analytics for Makes to Make Details Natesh Mayuranathan, Jose Romasanta, Shajinth Pathmakulaseelan, Nitin Prakash, Kirill Sochnev, Chaobo Xie
Thimble UI improvements, [Pomax, cappleton, k88hudson] Mohamed Baig
Popcorn Maker Improvements and fixes
[mjschranz] Mohamed Baig, Michael Veis
RTL (Right To Left) localization work (Arabic, Hebrew) [ali, igor, gvn, cappleton] Nitin Prakash
Localize Webmaker in a new language [ali, igor] Mark Aronin[Russian], Kirill Sochnev [Russian]
Improve Webmaker for Mobile/Tablets [gvn, cappleton] Mohamed Baig, Michael Veis, Robert Stanica, Shajinth Pathmakulaseelan, Kirill Sochnev, Alex Kotliar
Integrate Firefox Dev Tools with Webmaker Publishing and MakeAPI Mohamed Baig

You can also look at the list of 500+ open bugs in Webmaker, and find something else to work on there.