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Console Framework Classes 20103 - OOP344

Revision as of 10:19, 22 October 2010 by Fardad (talk | contribs)

The Frame work

General Internal Header file

#ifndef ___CONFW_H__
#define ___CONFW_H__


extern "C"{
 #include "iol.h"




  int _row;
  int _col;
  int _height;
  int _width;
  FWBorder* _container;
  bool _visible;
  char _border[9];


  FWBorder(int Row=-1, int Col=-1,int Height=-1, int Width=-1,
           bool Visible = false, FWBorder* Container = (FWBorder*)0,
           const char* Border=FW_BORDER_CHARS);
  virtual void draw()const; //if _container is null, then it is maximized into the size of screen 
                            // with no borders
  virtual ~FWBorder();
  void visible(bool val);
  bool visible()const;

  void container(FWBorder* theContainer);
  FWBorder* container();

  void row(int val);
  void col(int val);
  void size(int height, int width);

  virtual int row()const;
  virtual int col()const;
  virtual int height()const;
  virtual int width()const;